Kaito ~28 (S2)

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(Published: 2/7/2021)

"I knew letting you go there was a mistake," Kisa paced back and forth as I looked down at my feet. The fact that that Headmaster Cross had come with me was a comfort. He sat near me, his coat still on. Zero stood against the wall, one foot resting on it like the edge lord his is.

"I wouldn't exactly say mistake, Akari has actually been very helpful in keeping the night class in order while she's been at Cross Academy," I looked up at the Headmaster when I heard his kind words, he was smiling encouragingly at me, as if he wanted me to say something.

"Yes, and my grades have been better since I went there instead of when you were homeschooling me." Kisa and I both knew why that was. I glanced back at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking.

"That's not what I meant by it being a mistake, I know you two are trying to dance around the subject," her blue eyes flicked from me to the Headmaster," I was talking about this thing with the Duchess. Kisa spat the last to words, her fist balling up at her sides.

"Now, now, you have to come to realise that Cross Academy has nothing to do with this Duchess," The Headmaster countered.

"Who you're working with none of my concern either, it's Akari's safety that I'm worried about," Kisa sneered moving closer to the Headmaster. He stood up quickly, ready to retaliate if things took a turn for the worse. "I want more vampire hunters at that school, no one shall harm Akari. But even if there can only be one more I want it to be Kaito Takamiya. He trained under me and Yagari, Kaito is the only person to take care of my daughter."

It had been years since I had last seen Kaito but one solid truth I could remember was that he could be an insufferable asshole sometimes, a though that Zero probably echoed to. But he did look out for me when I was being picked on by some older kids, a bit like an older brother may have.

"I doubt you'd even be able to get him to agree. He detests vampires, the idea of having to teach at school where there's over 50 of them won't sound exactly appealing to him," Zero sounded a little offended that Kisa didn't think he was good enough to protect me from any threats that may arise.

Anyway, it was as if Kisa forgot I was perfectly fine protecting myself. I may not be a vampire hunter by blood but I still received all the training. Well, some of it due to Kisa being overprotective.

"Fine, if I am able to get Mr Takamiya to agree, then this settled but you can not always get your way Miss Tokuma," The Headmaster stepped back from Kisa and made his way to the door.

"May I also ask what'll happen if Mr Takamiya doesn't agree?" he smiled in a way that showed his annoyance.

"Then Akari will come straight back here and will not leave this building until I know it is safe for her to leave."

𝕊𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖... {𝕍𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕂𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥} (On hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora