Carvings ~13 (S1)

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A stinging pain seared on my arm. I couldn't see what was happening as it was still dark in the dorm room. I clapped a hand over my mouth so I didn't cry out in pain and wake up Umi.

Tumbling into the bathroom I pulled up the sleeve of my nightgown. Kaname Kuran was carved into my arm. A small heart was placed at the end as if someone had drawn it there with a knife. Blood dripped down my arm and my fingers. Wait... An excruciating pain shot through my head and I clutched it in agony. What was happening to me? Noticing the ring was still on my finger, I tried to tear it off but it would not move, as if stuck with magic. The pain was almost becoming too much. Why? I collapsed on the bathroom floor and felt unconsciousness embrace me.


Sunlight shone through the gaps in the infirmary curtains, it was warm on my face as I opened my eyes and was face to face with Umi.

"UMI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I almost jumped out of my bed, my head hit the headboard, only making my headache intensify.

"Making sure you were okay of course." She smiled a very 'Umi' smile. Looking around the infirmary I picked up my blanket, which I had managed to kick onto the floor. I hadn't been in here before, only peered in from outside the door to make sure everything was okay.

"What happened?" I rubbed my forehead with my hand, trying to quell the headache.

"Well, I found you on the bathroom floor unconscious so I thought it was best that I brought you here. What is that weird thing on your arm though? Isn't Kaname Kuran the name of one of the night class students?" For the first time, I saw a look of concern pass over Umi's face.

"Oh, that..." Oh god, she had seen it, quick Akari! Think of an excuse. "I was drawing on my arm and pressed a bit too hard!" I gushed out. You idiot, that was a terrible excuse! Umi frowned, not looking convinced.


It hadn't taken long for the news to travel around the school. That Akari Tokuma had woken up with Kaname Kuran carved into her arm.

I sat in a tree, my legs pulled up to my chest, watching students stroll across the school grounds towards the Sun dorm.

"Gossip does spread quickly around this school, does it not?" Kaname asked.

I almost fell out of the tree. "Oh, yeah it does," I said, steadying myself on the branch. Kaname looked up at me, some sort of emotion I could not discern in his eyes.

"May I see your arm?" Kaname held out a hand for me to take as I jumped down. I took it and soon as my feet touch the ground, Kaname pushed up my sleeve. He unravelled the bandage.
Brown eyes travelled down the cuts, as his finger traced them lightly with his finger.

"Did you do this to yourself?"

"Me- I would never do anything like this, my cheeks heated.

"Then what did this?" Kaname's eyes sparkled with anger.

"I don't know, I just woke up and something was carving it into my skin. Kaname's fingers trailed lower down and he turned my arm over, running a thumb over the ring, still stuck on my finger.

"And who gave you the ring?"

"Well, I assumed that you did-"

"I did not."

"Then who-"

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