He took it off and stood in the light. I gasped and pulled the curtain back. I sat on my bed in dismay and completely shattered in silence.

My phone pinged with a new message. I picked it up shakily.

"What's wrong Char?" My boyfriend typed casually.

The window opened and I screamed.

My boyfriend staggered in and spoke, "What's wrong Char? Please don't be scared of me."

"N-nothing's wrong Max. I'm not scared of you." I stuttered.

"Your stuttering says otherwise Char." He noticed, with a grin that I once thought was cute but was now slightly narcissistic.

He reached into his jacket and I shuffled away from him for my safety.

This was the problem with being in college, having bought your own house and deciding to disown your family - but for all good reasons. I am alone in a neighbourhood, not knowing anyone who lived around me apart from Max who lived opposite me on the other side of the green in front of my house. He however lived with a close friend, but he was always out.

"Here take this." He said still, with a creepy grin on his face.

He gave me a doll that looked like me. I looked at him in horror.

"Are you for real??" I asked shakily. "Why does that doll look like me?"

"It is you, dear!" Max replied still with that creepy smile and he tilted his head to look at me from an angle. I took it off of him and looked at it.

"Uhh why are you looking at me like that?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to steady my voice.

I shuffled back further on my bed, almost falling off of the edge with the small china doll in the clutches of my hand. I was about to fall, but Max just about caught me - grabbing my waist and pulling me away from the edge.

"Don't think that I still trust you, because after this I will get you back for this stupid prank-"

"A prank?" he asked, he burst out laughing as if i had just told a joke.

"What's so funny..." Inside I began to panic, breathing steadily and watching his expression change way too quickly.

"Are you actually sure it was a prank though Char?" He asked me, looking at me intensely.

I didn't care to respond. I did love Max, I really did. But this scared me. I grimaced, shaking my head and standing from the bed. I sped to the door, Max's voice could be heard from behind me - calling my name in frustration.

"No Max-" I yelled, stalking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind me, turning the lock and sliding down the door to the floor.

I sighed, biting my lip hard to stop from crying.

"Baby please, I'm sorry-"

"Max just leave!" I screamed through the door, pulling my knees to my chest and lowering my head to my knees.

I just managed to keep from crying, I heard Max sigh and footsteps sound down the hallway, creep down the stairs and the front door slam shut.

That escalated quickly. I thought to myself, I sat for a moment in thought - waiting for a minute just in case he hadn't left. I also realised it was Sunday.. And I have lessons starting tomorrow at 11:00 am. I puffed out my cheeks and ran my hand through my hair, wiping away my tears and struggling to a stand.

I put a hand on the door and the other onto the door handle, I put my ear against the door and listened for any movement. I made a sketch plan in my head; first I would go downstairs and lock the front door, make sure all the windows were closed and locked, close my bedroom window and have a shower before going to bed - missing out on food since I wasn't hungry.

I took a deep breath and braced myself for something to jump out. But as I opened the door and peered down the hall, it was empty. I sighed a relief and turned off the light in the bathroom, closing the door behind me and heading toward the top of the stairs.

I had grown too comfortable living alone, being used to the stillness of the house.

I was about to reach the stairs, but a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back - pushing me against the wall firmly. It was Max.

"I thought you left-"

"I thought you left," He mimicked, clenching his jaw and pressing against me hard enough to hurt and staring at me hard in the eye.

"You're going to do as I say," He finished, pulling away and taking me with him. His evilness dispersed and he smiled innocently, pulling me to him he kissed my forehead and put on a happy stance. "Let's get that pizza."

I'm a fool for you.Where stories live. Discover now