The Deal Is On! PT. 1

Start from the beginning

The next morning, Nora and saoirse was grabbing some groceries from porkrind’s shop for her family’s next dinner tonight. Just then, their friend apple tea came to the girls in a rush and told them that their friend Edwin psyche wants them to meet him near the phantom express. At the stop of the train tracks, they meet Edwin as expected, and he shows the three of his friends the casino that leads inside of the mountain. But the girls warned apple and edwin about the casino considering how their dad’s once made a mistake going in there 12 years ago. Edwin wanders off into the tunnel of the casino entrance anyway. Although aware of the consequences, Apple had to go in just for ‘knowledge’. Nora couldn’t break her dad’s promise, but Saoirse went in for a split second and had no choice but to follow her friends.

Going deep into the cave they go, the air around them starts to boil. Nora tripped on one of the steps and came crashing into her friends as they rolled down to the bottom. Apologizing for the mishap, nora got a glimpse of the casino and its dazzling lights. Saoirse and the boys were amazed and already filled with excitement to go into the casino. Unfortunately, ages 18 below can’t go in. Luckily, Nora and Saoirse knew Elena and were already friends with her, so surely the four cups get to go in as honor guests. Opening the doors shows a long hallway with another door, which leads to a big room full of people socializing and playing games. As they walked in, they were intruded by an employee named phear lap. Just as he told the four cups to leave, they were saved by elena. Apple and Edwin introduce themselves as Elena leads them upstairs into the breakroom. The room was filled with kids around their age, possibly kids of the employees of the casino. The other kids looked at Elena with four new guests and asked why they’re here. Before Elena could answer, Edwin comes up to them and asks if they can join them in the game the casino kids are playing. Just like that, they were welcomed without question.

Nora and her friends were introduced to the games the kids were playing and already started to win a jackpot. Out of nowhere, a girl with a gothic style asked if the four young cups would want to shake things up a bit. Just as she was slowly walking in, the other kids started to hide behind furniture. The girl introduces herself as leila midnight shadow, the devil’s daughter. Nora and Saoirse were shocked to possibly believe that the casino owner is a devil, which would explain why their dad’s were afraid of them going. Leila gives the four cups a deal, if they can do one more roll and win, leila’s father’s treasures would all be theirs to give. But if they lose, they’ll lose something that’s valuable to them. Elena and the other kids tried to warn the four cups, but were blinded by greed, breaking nora and saorise’s dad’s promise. They made the deal as Nora grabbed the dice and started shaking them.

Nora shook the dice with determination, finally rolled it and hoped for the big prize. But landed on SNAKE EYES. Filled with fear, Apple then said his second thoughts on all this and they ran out of the room. Leila called her dad for help, which caused the other kids to take cover. Nora and her friends ran to the exit where they’re parents' cuphead, mugman, chalice and teacup arrived to rescue them when they knew they were here.

Leila shows up with her dad, the devil, and the four cups quickly get behind their parents. All of the people who were gambling were already leaving except for the employees who hid under the tables and bars. Cuphead steps up and tells the devil that the kids shouldn’t be involved with his games. The devil explains that he wasn’t going to take Nora and her friends' souls. But instead is taking cuphead and his friends' souls because they happen to be something ‘valuable’ to Nora and her friends. Trapped in the devil’s trident aura, Nora jumps in as she screams out to stop. Nora tries to convince the devil not to take their parents away, but doesn’t listen. Saoirse looks for solutions, and comes across Elena's diamond head wear which gives her an idea. Saoirse asks if the devil ever lost some sort of family heirloom and needs it back. With surprise, he actually did, the heirloom was a red diamond amulet from his father who passed it down to him when he was 8, but lost it somewhere in the shadow seas, a forbidden place far from inkwell. Nora then asks if he can spare their parents if they can get the heirloom back. The devil laughed at the fact that a couple of kids would go to the shadow seas and how no one there ever returned. The devil prepares to burn the cup brothers, alongside chalice and teacup. Nora and her friends won’t let him, and decides that he’ll just burn them and their parents.

Elena steps in and stops the devil before things get too far. She’s able to convince him to give Nora and her friends a chance that they’ll make it to the shadows seas, and ask if his dad knows about the missing heirloom. With Elena's good point, the devil decides to give them a chance. But if they fail to return the heirloom, the devil gets to turn they’re parents into his lackings forever. The devil tells the four young cups to bring back the heirloom in 3 days, which Apple thinks it’s unfair. Edwin asks if they can have 8 consider the devil having the heirloom when he was 8 years old. Before Apple can comment on Edwin's fact, the devil agrees. The devil then traps each of their parents in a hand mirror until further notice. Leila tells Nora that she’ll need a miracle rather than good luck as she walks away with her dad.

Elena tells Nora and her friends that the path to the shadow seas is dangerous. She also informs them that there is a giant creature named ‘Cthulhu’ who guards the outside of the shadow seas and captures anything that may come into its territory. Elena gives the four the map and a bag of gusting winds which she stole from the devil. The casino kids tell the four cups good luck as they leave the casino.

Nora and her friends meet up with their other families who heard about them going to the casino. Cala Maria knew the consequences of going to the shadow seas, but helped her daughter and her friends get ready. The four cups got dressed in their mission clothes and were led to dr. kahl’s junkyard to ride the ‘morph rusher’. Nora grabbed the keys as she and her friends went into the vehicle. Before Apple could ask if Nora knew how to drive, Nora engaged the keys to the morph rusher and drove off to the shadow seas.

To be Continued!

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