
Naruto found himself in the Council room. He idly wondered whether he had really thought this through when Kurama had presented the idea. Almost immediately as the thought crossed his mind, he discarded it. Today Danzo would be punished for all of his crimes.

Of course, Naruto wasn't stupid enough to believe that Danzo would take a direct shot at him. Danzo was called "Yami no shinobi", the shinobi of darkness because he worked from the shadows; his modus operandi went completely against anyone's ethical guidelines. His father's journal had provided Naruto with a deep insight into the workings of the root. And there was one thing that stood out the most.

There was no shinobi more loyal to Konoha than Danzo.

In fact, the man was so loyal, that he was willing to cross boundaries that no one would dare to.

Now that he stood before Council Naruto wondered what the man would do. If he called Naruto out on the murder of a Konoha shinobi, Naruto was more than ready with his answer. And if he did, then he would have to answer just when did he have any authority to command shinobi.

Tsunade levelled a stare bordering on glare to her fellow blonde. "Let's get to the matter. Naruto, I know that you are a very powerful shinobi and a very intelligent one as well. Otherwise, you wouldn't have earned your bingo book entry. For as long as I have known, I have seen that you never act on this level of depth without thinking it through. So I would really like to hear your reasoning of what made you kill the shinobi on sight."

Danzo stepped forward, and Naruto had to commend the man. The tightening around his eyes was the only giveaway that Danzo was a little more than a bit displeased about the turn of events. "Hokage-sama, I-"

He was immediately silenced when Tsunade levelled a nasty glare on him. "You may only speak when I allow you to. Is. That. Clear. Danzo?"

Danzo immediately bowed his head. "Apologies, Hokage-sama."

" First Hokage-sama did that shinobi went through any of Konoha regular training or follow any of the systems to become a ninja of the village and from my knowledge, he was registered as a shinobi only a few weeks ago," Naruto said as Shikaku smirked because only by that single sentence he knew what Naruto was up to.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow but nodded " And that shinobi were sent by Danzo-sama I presume" Naruto said looking at Danzo who nodded.

" I have many people who tried to break the barrier around the Namikaze compound and that barrier can remember any chakra that it touched and the person I killed was one of them" Naruto said with a smirk when he saw Danzo single eye widened for a second.

" Not only that..." Naruto looked at Hiashi " Hiashi-san can you please check Danzo's right eye that he has covered". Hiashi looked at Tsunade who was still confused but nodded but before Hiashi could use his Byakugan Danzo stood up " I will not allow this!" He said. As Tsunade narrowed her eyes at him " What's the meaning of this Danzo we just want to check your right eye."

Danzo glared at naruto "How did you know of this?"  he asked, Naruto just smirked and pulled out a tag with a very complicated seal on it " This seal allows me to allow access to a dead person's memories even if I only have a small part of their DNA, I and jiraya sensie developed it during my time as Kitsune flash"

Danzo gritted his the boy had planned this all along, he just dug his own grave by sending sai to spy on the boy " I placed this seal on that shinobi you sent after me and I found that the root that was banded by the third Hokage still exists and that is a major crime" Naruto said as all the members of the council widened their eyes including Tsunade.

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