"This is the last one, I promise, " she said as she wrapped a band around Hinata's bicep and searched for a vein.

"When can I go home?" Hinata asked as he watched the need go into his skin.

"After we get these results back. Probably within an hour." Kiko replied as she removed the needle and grabbed the vials of blood.
"The doctor will come in with some. papers for you to sign, " she said and headed out of the door.

Hinata sat there quietly for a moment holding his arm.

"Does ot hurt?" Kageyama asked and positioned himself behind Hinata, so he was sitting in between his legs.

"No, I was just thinking, " Hinata replied and rested his head back against Kageyama's chest.
"When we get home, can we take a bath and play volleyball?" He asked as he felt Kageyama loop his arms around his waist.

"Mhm, " Kageyama hummed in response and rested his head on top of Hinata's.

"You didn't sleep well last night, huh?" Hinata asked as he noticed that Kageyama's breathing was heavy, and his body weight seemed heavy as he leaned on him.

Before Kageyama could say anything, the door to the room open. Kageyama lifted his head and saw Kiko along with the doctor and one police officer. Suddenly he felt his heart drop onto his stomach as he waited for one of them to speak. He tightened his arms around Hinata's waist and took a breath.

"Hinata's uncle had a heart attack this morning and passed away, " Kiko said as she looked down at the floor, somewhat nervous.

The officer looked at Kageyama.

"You are off the hook, however. There is a possibility His family may want to pursue some sort of justice since you attacked him.

Kageyama felt some relief for a moment at those words.

"He's dead?" the question from Hinata seemed foreign. Like he wasn't asking as much as he was clarifying with traces of relief in his voice.

The doctor walked over to the bed with a clipboard in hand. He handed it to Hinata.

"I just need you to sign this; then you are free to go, " He said with a smile and turned to walk away.

"You can stay in here until someone comes to pick you up, " Kiko said, sounding happy.
"You have been one of my favorite patients that I've had, " she said and turned to follow the doctor out the of the room.

Kageyama rested his head back on top of Hinata's head. All of his worries about Hinata and his uncle and everything were finally leaving him to relax.

"Shouldn't we call our parents?" Hinata asked.

"Suga and Daichi are back home, " Kageyama replied, his voice showing signs of his fatigue.

Hinata laughed a little and reached over to the table by the bed for Kageyama's phone.

"I'll call your mom, " he said and searched for the contact. He dialed it and waited for someone to answer. After a few rings, he heard the sound of Kageyama's mom. After he had talked to her for a few minutes, he hung up and realized that Kageyama had completely fallen asleep on him.

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