Chapter 3

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Subhadra then comes forward making Diana back off. Subhadra noticing Diana gently takes a morsel and eats it confirming that the food wasn't poisonous. "Okay problem no. 1 solved, now no. 2... how do I eat this without any utensils?" Diana thinks.

"Now what's the matter?" Bheem asks as Diana was in deep thought figuring out how to eat the food. "It looks weird but what? It smells delicious! I want to eat this! But how?" Diana asked herself in her thought. "Subhadra was there something wrong in the dish?" Kunti asks making Subhadra shake her head as no. "Yes! Bua! I have learned in the books that the people of west don't eat from hands but instead with some foreign utensils. They barely use their bare hands." Dushala says.

"Maybe that's the reason she isn't eating." Subhadra says. "But isn't it a hum an instinct to eat with hands?" Bheem asks. "Bheem she has been raised in the western society and is a part of it since birth." Yudhistir says. "What kind of utensils Dushala?" Kunti asks. "Spoons and a spoon like utensil with three pointy needles." Dushala says.


Eventually Diana ate the food with her hand abit awkwardly as the kurus wouldn't stop staring at her trying to figure her out making her abit embarrassed. At afternoon the kurus returned to see Diana sitting near the window looking outside at the kites with fondness as it was new to her as in West there wasn't really kites flying so casually high in the sky.

"Putri.." Kunti called gaining her attention. Diana just looked her her instead of flinching like usual as she was confirmed that the elderly lady, Kunti wasn't any threat to her. "Today is Makar Sankranti. I want you too to join us as you have been here in the room all day. Have some fresh air outside." Kunti says signalling Diana to join them with her hands not knowing whether Diana knows their language or not.

Diana understanding the signs nodded and followed them maintaining 10 steps distance as she wasn't really a big fan of socialization especially not the outer world. She must have been the first person to associate with the outer world people from Siodonna as Siodonna avoided any kind of relation or communication with the outer world sticking to the idea of being a legend according to the outer world as they didn't want any kind of violence or war. So Diana just played along with the rules of her land pretending not to know what they are saying or doing when she knows it all.

Diana looked around the hallway white walking to the roof. It was covered with pure gold with elegant and heavy designs craved on it. "Damn! Now this is what you call royalty! Back in west everything was so light, soft, graceful and elegant not complaining tho. I loved it but here in east... this is what you call royal. Everything covered with gold and precious stones including the people as well. This is rich rich!" Diana thinks looking around like a child.

Kunti chuckles to herself looking back at the unaware Diana who was curiously eyeing everything with shiny eyes. After reaching the roof top Diana stood in a corner avoiding any mean of socialization and admiring the peaceful light blue sky filled with colorful kites as the cool breeze played with her curls and the soft sunlight caressing her skin.

Diana look forward diverting her eyes from the sky feeling tingly at nose due to looking up at the bright sky. Her eyes landed on a tall dark figure adorned in fine gold and draped in yellow and orange cloth with a bright crown sitting proudly on his head. His black locks playing with the wind. A gold flute mischievously peeking through his waist and a peacock feather resting on his crown enjoying the breeze serenely.

Diana felt a pull towards the unknown man. Diana slowly and unknowingly moved towards the tall dark figure who was enjoying flying his kite which was the most attractive and highest in the sky.

As Diana came closer to the dark figure, he cut his finger by the sharp reel while controlling the kite. In no time Diana's kind nature and medical instincts kicked in. She took the brass glass with cool water and poured it on the cut cleaning the bloody finger. She then took her veil which rested on her arms and tore it to wrap it around the wounded finger.

The dark man looked at Diana amused with an amused smile and look. After wrapping it tightly she looked up at the man who was looking at her curiously. "Who are you devi?" krishna asks as a cool breeze hit the two making their locks dance. "Diana..." her named slipped out of her mouth breaking an unspoken rule of her and her people. 

"Madhav?" an excited voice of Arjun brought Diana out of her trance reminding her of the unspoken rules. She quickly backed off maintaining few steps distance unlike with others. "Bhratashree krishna!" Subhadra too entered the scene with Kunti and the pandavas. "Krishna! I thought you wouldn't come." Kunti says.

"How could I miss the Makar Sankranti sweets made by you bua? Yashodha maiya makes the best makhan, Devaki maiya the best motichoor ladoo and you make the best til ladoo. How could I miss it?" Krishna says.

"Putri? What happened to your shawl?" Kunti asks referring to Diana's torn silk pink net dupatta which once was styled elegantly low over both elbow. "Bhratashree! She is the unique timeless beauty I was referring to in the letter! Isn't she beautiful!" Subhadra praises making Diana blush a bit. "Yes she is....Nice to meet you.... Diana." Krishna says.

Diana bows in return and returns back to her previous corner. "Do you know her Vasudev?" Yudhistir asks. "No I don't. I met the serene beauty just moments ago when she treated my small wound." Krishna says showing his treated finger. "The kind lady tore her exotic fabric just to treat my small wound. That's how I know her jyesth."  Krishna says.

"How did you know her name? She doesn't look from aryavrat." Bheem says. "Surely she isn't from aryavrat bhrata Bheem. Her clothing, accessories and rare, unique features clearly hint that she is from Siodonna. The mysterious and hidden land of peace and beauty." krishna says making them WHAT?.

"Siodonna? That's a legend, a myth vasudev." Nakul says. "Yes, Siodonna is considered a myth but there is nothing truer than myth: history, in its attempt to realize myth, distorts it, stops halfway; when history claims to have succeeded, this is nothing but humbug and mystification. Everything we dream is realizable. Reality does not have to be: it is simply what it is. And a living, breathing proof is right infront of you. The timeless beauty Diana of Siodonna." Krishna says.

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