Chapter 2

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"Where am I?" Diana asks herself in a low voice as she slowly flutters her eyes open to meet a golden ceiling. She moved her head to her side to see the curtains drawn close with early sun rays partly entering. She looks around the the room and feels a sharp pain on her head making her groan.

"She's awake!" Subhadra says and the rest rushes towards Diana making her wary and sit up straight in a jerk and look at them confused and warily with a drop of sweat on her forehead. The rest stop on their tracks seeing Diana's reaction.

Diana's eyes scans each and every person and lastly lands on Arjun and Nakul. She is reminded of the last night's sword and arrow incident making her clench her jaw and the blanket. "We don't mean any harm neither do they." Yudhistir says figuring out Diana's reaction.

Diana looks at Yudhistir making his breath hitch, not only because of her beauty but her eyes held a mysterious boldness and fire in it. "We are extremely sorry for last night's incident but we were just worried for you and the safety of this palace's people." Yudhistir says.

"Putri? What are you doing here? And why were you running?" Kunti asks. "Umm.... could you please answer so we can help you?" Subhadra says as Diana didn't speak a word at all. "You are the dancer from last night right?" Arjun asks.

Diana's eyes changed at his and Nakul's sight. Her eyes held extra wariness, fire and anger. "You should be your friends at the moment, do you know where they are?" Nakul says. "Say something, only then we can help. Do you know where they are?" Arjun asks.

Diana clenches her jaw and sharply looks away. "Is she really the same frightened girl from last night? She has quite an attitude." Arjun mumbles making Nakul agree. "Yudhistir! Check the banquet list and find out her name and from where she came from." Kunti says making Yudhistir nod. He quickly brings a name and starts naming all the names but no named belonged to the blonde making them confused. "Is she mute?" Nakul asks.

"No I think she doesn't understand our language. She definitely is a foreigner from her hair and eyes." Shahadev says. "Yes rajkumar and she can't possibly be mute. She sang and danced in yesterday's banquet along with her friends." Subhadra says.

"Dasi! Were there any foreign guests or dancers from yesterday's banquet?" Yudhistir asks. "As far as I know there was a group of dancer who have performed alot in the west." the dasi says. "So are you from the west?" Bheem asks and Diana doesn't answers which meant no.

"She doesn't belong from the west as well." Bheem says. "Where do you exactly belong from?" Nakul asks. The rest were busy figuring out Diana's origin that they failed to notice that Diana had fallen asleep as she was still exhausted.

Dushala was the first to figure it out and made everybody quite. Diana was looking serene and peaceful in her sleep making everybody admire her beauty. "Kunti! Is the girl awake?" Dhritrarsatra asks entering along with Gandhari, Vidur and Bhism.

"She was awake just moments ago but again fell asleep due to exhaustion." Kunti replies. "Isn't she the lead dancer from yesterday's banquet?" Bhism asks making them nod. "What is she doing here? Shouldn't she be with her sisters?" Vidur asks. "It looks like she got separated from them as somebody was chasing her." Bheem says.

"Yes she was so frightened that she ended up fainting in bhrata Arjun's arms." Dushala says. "She was afraid of every one of us and still is." Subhadra says. "Poor girl, who was that insolent human that made her exceed all her physical and mental strength?" Gandhari says.


Diana woke up in afternoon to find the room empty. She sighed in relief and slowly sat up and slouched on the pillow. Her whole body was aching making her let out a small groan. Diana fixed her hair and while playing with a strand of her hair "You're awake!" Bheem says startling her making her jump a little and sit up straight.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! No need to be this wary. Relax, calm down." Bheem says as the jump was way more than little. Arjun then came forward making Diana warier, Arjun placed the plate of food on the table side of her bed.

Diana shifted back as Arjun was close, Arjun noticing her uncertainty slowly placed the food and backed away slowly making an eye contact with Diana. Her unusual Fancy vivid pink crystal like eyes fascinated and attracted him abit way more than needed. 

Diana looked at the food on the table making her confused. "What is that?" Diana asked herself in her thought. "Is that food?" Diana thought and looked back at the pandavas and Kunti. "It looks.... different.. very different. It can't be food but... the aroma.. its too much." Diana thought as the aroma of buttered naan, shahi paneer, porridge and curry filled her nose.

"Go ahead, eat putri." Kunti says but Diana doesn't moves at all. "Is she deaf along with mute?" Nakul asks. Diana just ignored Nakul as she was trying to figure out how to eat the new cuisine as there was no knives, fork or spoon as in the west.

"How am I supposed to eat this without any utensils?" Diana thought. "Plus is this even safe to eat? I mean the man who brought this almost killed me last night along with his friend... what if they took pity on me and decided to kill me in a less brutal way by poisoning?" Diana adds another thought making an expression of sick plasters it self on her face.

 what if they took pity on me and decided to kill me in a less brutal way by poisoning?" Diana adds another thought making an expression of sick plasters it self on her face

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"Th-th-this can't be happening.. It can't! I don't want to die.. not this early! I'm just a teen.." Diana stutters in her thought. Seeing Diana's expression made everybody confuse and look at the place where she was looking at. their eyes landed on the plate making them confused.

"Don't say me that she thinks we are poisoning her... IS SHE?" Nakul asks. "Hey! hey! Its not poisoned.." Arjun says getting a look from Diana. She looks at Arjun and back at the plate and again at Arjun and back at the plate.

"I think she does think it poisoned...." Shahadev says sweat dropping along with the rest. "But why?" Bheem asks. "maybe its because Arjun served it." Kunti says. "Me? What's wrong with me serving?" Arjun asks. "Maybe its because you tried to stop her by almost killing her with your arrow?" Dushala says. "A-ah! About that... it was for safety reasons." Arjun says chuckling nervously gaining Diana's attention. 

"Yes! Yes! Its poisoned! Its poisoned and he thinks I'm going to eat this and die! That's why he is laughing so happily!" Diana says giving a menacing glare to Arjun sending chills down his spine. He looks towards the direction and Diana huffs and looks away. "What did I do? Why am I the bad guy here?" Arjun asks.

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