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warnings: none other than this really sucks, I HATE THIS SM 🙄

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none other than this really sucks,

𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Louis pov
Louis thoughts: bold

Me and y/n were sitting down at a table outside form the cafe where we were eating lunch together sitting in front of one another

" do you wanna go thrift shopping with me " y/n asked me while placing a spoon full of her Mac and cheese into her mouth

" thrift shopping?"

" yes thrift shopping, have you never been before"

" no" I reply taking a sip of my water

"Louis, you have never been thrifting?" She questioned me once more

" no y/n I haven't " I said trying to match her energy

" god how have you never been, we have to go after this" she said rolling her eyes making me laugh at her antics

*about 5 mins later*

"y/n?" this boy walked up to us standing next to y/n

who is this dude

"oh my goodness, Adrian?" she replied to the other boy now standing up to give him a hug

he went to hug her back, putting his arms around her waist and putting his head in the corner of her neck

why are they hugging like this, again who is he

They pull back from each other

"oh! uh Louis this is Adrian. Adrian this is Louis, my boyfriend " she introduced us but I just sit there and stare

" wow y/n I never thought you would get a boyfriend" Adrian said joking around pushing her shoulder slightly causing her to laugh at his joke

what's that supposed to mean ?

"Anyways how have you been" Adrian asks y/n now sitting down at the table with us

now why is he sitting down, does he now know that we're trying to have lunch. Maybe I should tell him but I don't want to come off as mean

" I've been good, been happy and just working on some projects with some companies." y/n awnsers his question
" how have you been, are you and Luna still together"

" how did you know about Luna " Adrian asks her

" dude we were texting each other and you told me "

Why are they texting each other, what if she thinks he's like cute or something, I mean he's pretty good looking I guess

Y/ns pov:

I look over at Louis to see that he was glaring at Adrian and then switching his eyes over back to me

I could sense something was up with him.

"Oh yeah , uh we broke up " Adrian said

" dang I'm sorry"

"Eh it's okay"

" I gotta go, well it was nice seeing you, text me later "
Adrian said now standing up to give me a hug, I hugged him back and he left

me and Louis sat in silence for a bit until he spoke up

" who was that" louis asked me
" he was really close friend in middle school "

"oh" Louis said looking down at his food

"lou" I said grabbing his hand that was on the table
"what's wrong " I ask

" nothing "

"there's something wrong just tell me"

" nothings  wrong y/n. " he snaps at me finally looking at me in the eyes again


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

a/n - i knowww this is so cringe oml

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a/n - i knowww this is so cringe oml

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