Basically there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was hopeless. I looked at the band that had went untouched for so long, resting carefully on its charging port. Nothing had changed about it except the thin layer of dust on its sleek black surface. Its green, done charging lights blinked at me like a dog waiting for its master to let it go outside.

I ripped it off and chucked it at wall, it should slid into the crevice of my desk, but it saved by flower on the yellow hat. I grabbed the hat and stretched it as tight as I could. Seeing it made me so angry, that flower, that dull, faded sunny yellow fabric, I hated it. I didn't remember where it came from or why I kept it so long, but I suddenly became sick of it and everything it stood for, the nice, sunny Indestar I desperately tried to be, but couldn't be. I pulled and pulled and pulled, but for an old hat it was pretty strong or I was pretty weak.

When I got desperate and tried to cut the top with scissors, Mom walked in.

“Mikayla what are you doing to your hat!” she snatched it out of my hands. “Look what you've done to Aunt Lucy's hat.”

“Aunt Lucy's... hat?” Then an image flashed in my foggy brain. Before she got sick, Aunt Lucy gave me it just before I moved to make me feel better and there I was treating it like it an old rag.

“Yes. I know its been a long time, but you shouldn't have forgotten that she made it for you. If you're going to be so careless with your clothes, I'll stop you from getting anymore.”

“I'm sorry. I just- Why are you back here anyway?”

“First to tell you that half you're sponsors have decided to drop you.”

“What! Why didn't you tell me? What about Cassandra?” I said,still surprised that I still cared about sponsors at this point.

“Who do you think told me? Cassandra's had to handle this whole fiasco with the sponsor's herself since you're not talking to anyone. Eventually I had to let her go because we couldn't afford to keep her any more. We've decided to use the money to hire a private investigator.”

“Cassandra's gone? Private Investigator? For what?”

“To figure out who did this? Since ComplX isn't doing anything, we hired a private investigator to reveal the identity of the Skeleton Girl. Then we'll press charges once we find them.”

I thought she was doing too much, though I would be lying if I say I didn't imagine the police barging in the scumbags room and leading them away in handcuffs.

“In the mean time, me and your father talked about it, and we believe that its time for you go back to school,”

When she said that it felt like the floor had broken underneath me. How could she think I was ready to go back? I tried to talk her out of it, but it was no use.

She gave me this stupid speech about how they must have all forgotten about it and how I have nothing to be afraid of and moping about will make it worse and Dad just backed her up on it.

Did they even see what I said about my friends!…

Whatever, I guess I can't blame them for not knowing how bad it was.

Going to school was torture. Maybe it would've been better if they all hurled tomatoes at me as I walked through halls and just taped a bunch of angry notes to my locker. At least then I would've been prepared for that.

When I stepped through the door that morning, they all just stared at me, silently. I could hear them whispering as I passed by, but no one wanted to make eye contact with me. It was the same cycle every where I went. It was like I sucked the energy out of every room I went into. The only people who didn't seem completely disgusted with me were the teachers, but some of the younger ones had similar expressions.

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