He did the same with the other student who had her shoulder impaled. She was crying and screaming in pain and wanted to go back home.

Unfortunately, a look at the meteo forecast told us the storm would be a three day long. We had to reach the camping site and fortunately, it was not too far away.

I honestly wanted to go home, but I also wanted to arrive and go in the cabin where we would stay for the during of our trip. I looked forward to this trip ever since they announced we would go camping. It wasn't in tents but in cabins which was okay too. I didn't care and the others didn't either.

I sinked further into my seat and tried to look at anything but the blood a little bit next to me. I wanted to forget but it was hard. The screams would not leave my dreams for a while that's for sure.

I wonder when we'll arrive?

I tried to get some sleep, but the image of the students impaled was carved inside my head and I kept picturing it.

I looked over and saw that they were sleeping. A breath I didn't know I was holding escaped my mouth and I think a smile came over me.

They were safe now and that's what's important.

I tried to call or text but it looks like there was no reception. Typical horror movie in the woods. The teenagers end up killed by killer clowns and we all die in the end. There would be the classic protagonists trying to get out of the forest alive but end up either dead or traumatized. Life isn't a movie but looks like our little adventure ended up with two injured students and no way of calling an ambulance.

To add to our misfortune, the storm still hasn't passed and we are starting to feel numb in our legs since teachers tell us to stay seated and wait for the storm to pass. I look over to the guys behind me and Emily and we all nod. We know what to do.


"What the fuck!? That's not possible! You gotta be cheating." James looks at me crying. I give him a smug smirk and laugh at his childish complains. I mean it is justified. He tried to put me in a hard position by switching our Uno cards so I had 15 cards and him 3. But in the end, I ended up winning the game and everyone looked at me suspiciously. I mean I would too if someone ended up winning in one go with their cards when they had 15.

I smile at him a just laugh. We've been stuck in the storm in the bus for about two hours and in the meantime, me, Manel, Emily, James, Nora and Eve have been playing card games and to be honest I was starting to get looks of betrayal whenever i won. It was fun at first but then it became ridiculous how easy it was to win at Uno against the five of them.

I was sitting on the floor with Emily on my right in her seat where she lifted the handle and james was in front of me sitting on the floor too. Manel was on his right and Nora on his left. Eve stopped playing after cause she didn't understand the rules we all played by. It was fun and we had a good time at first.

After another round, we decided to take a break of games and all went back to our seat. I took my headphones and plugged them to my phone before pressing shuffle on my travel playlist. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. I was tired and I still couldn't reach anyone since there was still no reception. 

I didn't know if i should be worried but af least my mind let me sleep this time. I had a dreamless sleep and felt really relaxed in the end.

I was woken up again by a loud explosion. I opened my eyes wide and looked around like last time, expecting to see fire pr something. To my surprise, everyone was sleeping, and the storm kept it's rythm without stopping, making it hard to see anything outside.

I looked up and realised it was night. That explained why everyone was sleeping. I checked my watch and it was somewhere between midnight and one o'clock. I felt already woken up and couldnt go to sleep. My phone had no more battery and it needed to charge. I plugged my charger on the plug and looked at rhe screen lighting up and charging. 

I took a book from my little bag and started to read about some murder mystery in a lake house where the friend group tries to find the killer. It's not that bad and i kinda like it. It's gruesome but the plot and characters are amazing. The writer really has a good writing style.

"Still awake?" I hear to my side. I look up and see Tyler, my oldest and one of my best friends. We grew up together at the same elementary school and were in the same high school. We grew closer with time and now I can't imagine life without him as my friend.

"I took a nap so now I can't sleep. What about you Ty? Can't sleep?" I replied to him. He chuckled and looked outside. 

"The storm keeps me awake" he said quietly. I sigh and look out the window. The rain was heavy and there was lightning in the far end of the forest, far from us but close enough so we could see it. I smile and look back at him.

"Aw, poor Tyler. Want a lullaby to lull you to sleep? I could put some music and you would sleep like a baby." I joke, looking at his face as a smile makes it's way on it. He laughs but stops to avoid waking others. I put a hand over my mouth to keep me from laughing to and we just look at each other.

"Sure you okay Yara?" He whispers, worry flashing over his eyes but disappears as fast as it came. 

I smile a bit at him and look away.

"Yeah... I'll be fine."

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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