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'That boy he wanted to talk to me, out of all people, he wanted to talk to me, he must be insane, there's no way I'm going to let him in, i won't i have my family, their all i need, right? thats what i keep being told, so try to keep your walls up for as long as possible, just the year, make it threw the year, you don't need any friends, you have your family, they are my friends, the only people that stay inside'
i thought walking up my drive

I walked in the front door, the front door of the new house, i don't care it will always be te new house to me no mater what.

"How was school?" my dad asked from the kitchen

"Oh you know, plain" i paused "whats for supper? Will mum be here for supper?" i asked

"Spaghetti and unfortunately not, she had to pick up some shifts"

"Oh" i started up the stairs to my room
I dropped my bag in the corner by the door
I kicked the door shut,
Then i fell, more like face planted on to my bed

'Uhg get up, and try to play something any thing something' i thought

'Nah mabey ill just stay here for a bit'

'Get up and practice'

'No stay like this'

'Get up your never get any where if you don't try, get up and practice'

'I give up'

My minds fought

I got up and walked over to the window i grabbed my guitar that was beside it and sat
"What shall i do, what shall i do?" I questioned myself

"Time bomb? no to hard, uh let's just work out a tune for trigger" i said to myself

I started to play softly for the first verse i closed my eyes and worked my fingers over the freats i continued to play i stopped feeling the sudden sting on my index finger

"Crap" i muttered warping a bandaid round the tip of my finger

"SUPER!" was yelled

"FOOD!" my younger brother yelled next thing i heard was him toppling down the stairs

I laughed

"It wasn't funny" he pouted "my but hurts now"

I laughed again
I grabbed the a bowl of food

"Thanks daddy" i kissed his cheek and went back to my room

I ate and went to sleep
About a week later

Here i was sitting on the swing listening to music doing nothing at all, just being calm and relaxing.

I was poked, i looked up to see none other then the boy from my bus i
Sighed internally could i not get a break

He waved his hand in front of my face, i took out a ear bud

"Yeah?" i asked

"Come, you need to get out of your little box" he chuckled

"No, i like it in my box"

"Real funny izzy" he laughed

"But really you need to get out of your box"
he grabbed my wist pulling me towards a field

"But I don't want to" i whined

"Let go of me"

"I don't want to, people are to normal"
i continued on

"Guys meet izzy!"
he said clearly not talking to me but to the three girls sitting in a somewhat circle
"Crap" he hit his face with his hand

"I'm jake,"
"thats Emma," he pointed to a blonde haired girl playing with handfuls of grass

"That's kaylie, my girlfriend" he pointed to the girl with loads of hair

"That's Taylor" he pointed to the girl staring at the sky

I turned to him
"What am i suppose to do, i don't know you or them" i spoke strongly i turned to walk away

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