Another night, another ball. My dancing slippers were tied up to my knees, pearls were strung in my hair, tied against my neck, shackled on my wrists, and weighed down my gown that came to a scandalous mid shin. My mother was getting risky. Though I didn't mind. The dress was cornflower blue with many layers, lace and flower designs adorned it along with cream colored bows.

My great aunt warned me that my shoe had better be broken and worn through by the time I was done dancing. She didn't approve of mine disappearing with Adrastos. It wasn't the Adrastos part she minded, but rather the disappearing part.

She wanted everyone to see Adrastos and I together.

So instead of meeting Adrastos as I normally did, I was whisked away by monster after monster, come to claim me for the dance floor.

My feet were bleeding by the time the clock struck one.

I begged relief from my last partner, and went to sit down. Despite my bleeding feet, my shoes were only just beginning to show signs of wear.

A she-devil -my great aunt by day- hissed to me, "Not a single dance with Adrastos?"

"No." I said, trying to sound relieved and happy.

"Stupid girl! We need him. If he doesn't not love you by the end of this season I swear I will burn you myself." The she-devil threatened, her green mask doing nothing to hide the glint in my eyes.

"I'll try harder."

Then I was pulled away into another dance. My feet were in so much pain that time passed in a daze of pain. So I was surprised when an ice cold voice sliced through my conscience with the words, "Let me dance with the lady."

I looked up to find Adrastos with a hand on my dance partner's shoulder. The monster immediately let me go, stepping away.

Adrastos took me in his arms and began to slowly dance with me.

"You're tracking blood all over the ballroom floor." He noted.

"And yet my devil-cursed shoes aren't worn out yet." I said, bitterly.

"Is that what this is about?"

I looked up to the ceiling where the stars showed through the skylights. They didn't look like they were leaving anytime soon.

I looked back to Adrastos. He was hurting me. My bloodied feet could attest to that. Even if he was doing it unintentionally... though maybe it wasn't unintentionally. He made me wonder sometimes. Maybe he had an entire plan, and I was simply a stepping stone in it. He would undoubtedly end up hurting me more.

Adrastos led me off the dance floor, pulling me out of the main ballroom. I limped to keep up, and as soon as we were out of sight Adrastos picked me up and whisked me away to a small sitting room, hidden by layers and layers of thick curtains and tapestries. The room was dim, bathed only in the reddish glow the candle emitted.

Adrastos set me gently on a couch then untied the ribbons on my legs, unwinding them. Then he slipped off my first shoe. I cried out in pain as a suctioning sound punctured the air as my shoe released from my bloody foot.

Adrastos looked up at me, "I'm sor-"

"Don't." I said sternly. I didn't want his sympathy.

When the next shoe came off I bit my tongue, not making a peep.

Then Adrastos brought a porcelain basin and white towel. He began to gently wash my feet.

'Why are you doing this?' I wanted to ask, but couldn't. I didn't want to know why. Well, more accurately I didn't want to deal with what I had to do after I knew why.

"Do you believe we're made up of our wants?" I asked.

Adrastos didn't look up, "Do you believe we're made up of our thoughts or actions?"

I thought for a moment, then, "Thoughts. Because you can't truly have action without some thought."

"Would you believe me if I told you I wasn't thinking when I jumped off that balcony?"

"Fine. Then I can't make actions without thinking first."

Adrastos chuckled, "I can believe that. Tell me Cece, if you're made up by you wants, who are you?"

"I don't think of them as wants. More as wishes. To want is to have a desire. To wish is to feel a desire."

Another chuckle, "I've never made a girl made up of wishes before. Will you tell me about them? Whisper what makes your heart beat? Your blood run? Tell me what makes the girl made of wishes tik."

"I wish... I wish I could make the monsters back into men during the ball. I wish I wasn't given what I hate. I wish I knew how to escape the ball."

Adrastos tore a flesh linen towel and began gently wrapping my feet.

"I wish the ball was mine. I wish I made the rules. I wish my mother wasn't weak. I wish Count Nicodemus would keep her safe so I wouldn't have to."

"How are you keeping your mother safe?" Adrastos whispered.

I smiled madly. "I'm the pawn of course. Here we are on a large chessboard. I don't move a space often, but when I do it's calculated. Of course other have plans for me. I'm supposed to be the sacrifice. So the other, more powerful players will win. But Little do they know what when i reach the end of the board, I become the Queen. I will become the most powerful piece on the chessboard, and they'll be nothing they can do about it."

"Now, who am I? Where did I fit into all of this?"

I smiled, leaning my head back against the couch, "I haven't decided yet."

The Broken Ball; A Dark Academia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now