Chapter 20 - Mothers Always Know

Start from the beginning


Later, it was time for Najma and Shehry to say goodbye. Khalu hugged Najma. Najma wasn't crying as she wasn't the emotional type but she looked upset. Khalu wasn't crying either. However, Khala couldn't stop. She hugged Najma as well. Everyone took turns to hug Najma, before they climbed into their limousine to the hotel booked for them.

Najma's P.O.V

I climbed into the limousine with Shehry. I didn't know how to feel. I was a bit sad that I was leaving everyone at home but then I'd be gaining a second family. But then I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Shehry put his hand on top of mine. I looked up at him and he smiled apologetically.
"Don't worry, I'm not sad." I assured. Shehry looked surprised.
"Najma, you just had your Rukhsati. Every girl cries at their Rukhsati. You're crazy." Shehry shook his head. I giggled.
"Yeah I'm crazy. But I'm not crying because I'm going to gain two more parents, another brother and a sister. How could I be sad?" I smiled. Shehry sighed.
"I feel like the luckiest man in the world right now. We're married. Like let me just absorb that. We. Are. Married. Shehryaar Asif is married to Najma Khan." Shehry blabbered. I laughed.
"Shehry calm down. Yes you're married. To Najma Shehryaar." I corrected. Shehry put his hands on his heart dramatically.
"You're going to get rid of the Khan in your name?" He asked.
"I'm your wife, not Atif's." I joked. Shehry laughed. After we arrived at the hotel, Shehry helped me get out of the limo and he took our suitcases. We went inside and went to our room.
I went into the bathroom and changed from my wedding dress to a tshirt and pyjama pants. I would have usually worn shorts but...not today. I waited for a minute and sighed. It's okay Najma. Be brave. I went back inside our room to see Shehry on the bed, on his phone, wearing pyjama pants. And he was shirtless. I stopped in my tracks. Yes I couldn't breathe. For the last three years, Shehry had been my favourite DhoomBro and I've always dreamed of marrying him. Who knew that one day it would be true?
"Hey Princess." Shehry called me by the nickname he always called me, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Hey." I said shyly. Shehry put his phone on the table and jumped off the bed to me. He slid his arm around my waist.
"Or should I say Mrs. Shehryaar?" He smiled slyly. I shook my head. I couldn't talk. His perfectly toned abs were touching my stomach. Shehry inched closer to me, his nose touching my cheek. I closed my eyes, trying to breathe. He let out a breath which made me shiver inside. Slowly Shehry kissed my jawline. I gulped and let out a deep breath. Shehry moved carefully to the corner of my mouth. Slowly he kissed me. My first and last love. Shehryaar Asif.


Zara's P.O.V

After Shehry and Najma left, we all went home and went to bed. I woke up to my phone ringing. Again. For like the fifth time this month.
"Hello?" I groaned.
"Hi Zara." I heard Waqas' cheery voice on the other side.
"Waqas, why are you so happy this early?" I said sleepily.
"Happy? Oh! I'm not supposed to be sounding happy. Anyway, you need to come over to Hussain's house." He said.
"Your Devdas needs you!" I heard Atif shout. Waqas laughed.
"Yeah, Hussain needs you. Come over quick." Waqas said and cut the call.
"Ugh." I groaned, pulling my blanket over my head. We all had slept at 2am and now I had to go over to Hussain's house instead of catch up on my precious sleep. Great. Waqas didn't give me any choice so I decided to get up and go. Once I arrived, I pressed on the doorbell. Waqas opened it.
"Hi. Come in." He grinned, moving aside so I can come in. I went into the living room to see Atif standing while Hussain was sleeping on the couch with a blanket. Waqas came in after me.
"What happend?" I asked, signalling towards Hussain.
"This khotey (loser) left the fan on last night before he went to sleep. He woke up sick." Atif explained. At that moment, Hussain sneezed.
"Alhamdulilah." He groaned, opening his eyes.
"Waqas, I think I have a fever. I'm getting hallucinations. I can see Zara." Hussain said. He sounded like his nose was blocked. Waqas facepalmed himself. I walked to Hussain and kneeled down, touching his cheek.
"You idiot. I'm here for real." I smiled. Hussain smiled as well.
"That's awesome." Hussain said dreamily. I stood up.
"I'll make tea for him." I offered and walked to the kitchen to find Shaista aunty there.
"Assalamulaikum aunty." I smiled. Shaista aunty hugged me, upon seeing me.
"Walaikumsalam beti. You're here so early?" Shaista aunty wondered out loud.
"Waqas called me. He said Hussain was sick."
"Haan! (Yes!) Dekho (look), I've told him so many times, don't eat ice cream in this cold. Don't put the fan on at night. Put a scarf on when you go out. But he never listens to me." Shaista aunty shook her head. I giggled.
"Koi baat nahi aunty. (No problem aunty.) He'll have to listen to you now. Aunty, is it okay if I make some chai for him?" I asked. Shaista aunty nodded.
"Of course. You don't need to ask." She said and started getting the stuff out for me. While I made the tea, Shaista aunty watched me, giving me stuff when I needed it. I gave her a cup after I had finished, and made four other cups for us.
"Beta, you make very good chai. Even better than Hussain. Hussain always makes me chai but I think from now on, you'll have to make it for me." Shaista aunty laughed. I chuckled as well and took the cups to the living room. Hussain sneezed, then sneezed again. And then again.
"Ugh." He groaned. I put the tea on the table next to him and handed the other cups to Atif and Waqas.
"We'll be back. You guys keep drinking." Atif stood up and took Waqas to the other room. Okay then. That was weird.
"Zara." Hussain called me. I kneeled down to him again.
"I love your chai." He grinned. I smiled back.
"But there's only one thing that can cure me." He continued. I frowned.
"I'm not sick. I'm lovesick." Hussain grinned mischievously. Oh no. I think I know where this is going.
"I need a kiss from my beloved." Hussain grinned.
"Hussain! We're not even married!" I scolded.
"I know that. I meant cheek."
"Oh." I went red with embarrassment. I looked around in case anyone was there.
"Are you sure?" I whispered.
"Very." Hussain whispered back, smiling. I inched my face closer to his and kissed his smooth cheek. Suddenly I heard footsteps and I moved back to my seat. Shaista aunty came in with a tray of biscuits.
"Where is Waqas and Atif?" She asked, setting the tray on the table and sitting down next to me.
"Don't know. They just ran out." I shrugged, trying to be casual.
"Mama, I feel better now." Hussain said, sitting up. I felt my face go hot. I knew he was trying to tease me.
"Chup! (Quiet!) How many times have I told you not to eat ice cream? Or to wear a jacket?" Shaista aunty scolded. Hahah! Baisti (insult) complete!
"Hussain, you're 22 years old. You need to start taking care of yourself." Shaista aunty continued. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
"Mama! Mera kya galat? (What's my fault?) Shehry always takes me and Maha out. Usse bolo. (Tell him.)" Hussain pouted.
"I thought you were sick. How are you talking so much?" Shaista aunty asked suspiciously. Hussain looked at me. Then it hit me. Hussain wasn't sick at all! Such a good actor. At this rate, he'll make it to Hollywood.
"Aunty, are you sure he's actually sick? He could be pretending. He is an actor after all." I suggested, smirking at Hussain. Hussain start shaking his head.
"I think you're right Zara." Shaista aunty smirked as well. I mentally laughed but then I stood up.
"Aunty, I have to get home. Ami said to return quickly." I smiled. Shaista aunty hugged me.
"Khuda hafez beti." She smiled.
"Tussi ja rahe ho? (You're going?)" I heard from the couch and looked at Hussain.
"Tussi na jao! (Don't go!)" Hussain pouted. Shaista aunty laughed with me.
"Bye Hussain." I smiled and left.

Hussain's P.O.V

Zara left, sadly and Mama sat down next to me.
"Pagal ladka. (Crazy boy.)" Mama giggled, pinching my cheek.
"Tumhare pagal ladka Mama. (Your crazy boy Mama.) " I winked.
"You love her a lot?" Mama asked.
"Yes. You're my jaan." I grinned. Mama hit my head softly.
"I'm talking about Zara."
"Oh..yeah. How did you know?" I said shyly, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment. Mama giggled.
"Mothers always know. And plus I saw you blackmail her into kissing your cheek. Bandar. (Monkey.)" Mama giggled, patting my cheek. I chuckled.

Zara's P.O.V

I arrived home to see Abu in the living room on the phone.
"Haan Aftab bhai. Jee. Acha, koi baat nahi. (Yes Aftab bhai. Yes. Okay no problem.) We'll start the project as soon as it's done. Definitely. Why not?" He was saying. I put my shoes near the door and decided to go upstairs to see what Afsa was up to.
"Haan. Aftab bhai, I'll talk to you later. My daughter just got home. Haan of course. Khuda hafez." Abu said upon seeing me and cut the call.
"Zara beti, sit down." Abu smiled. I sat down opposite him.
"Noureen! Zara's here." Abu called. Ami came in and sat down next to Abu. What was going on?
"I'm starting a new project with Aftab sahab back home in Lahore." Abu started.
"Oh congratulations! We should celebrate." I grinned.
"Zara, listen." Ami said. I shut up.
"Aftab sahab has a son who is your age. I saw him when he came with Aftab sahab to our house and he's a very good boy. Aftab sahab proposed that his son marry you and it would turn this project even better. If not, then Aftab sahab said this project would not be possible." Abu's words made me numb.
"So we will be going back to Pakistan in a few months when your exams have finished." Abu smiled and stood up.
"I hope you agree because if you don't, I won't be happy." Abu walked away. I looked at Ami.
"Ami..Ami..yeh kya hai? (Mum, what is this?) I'm too young to get married. I have my studies. I don't even want to get married now." I said, controlling the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Zara. You're old enough. And you're going to graduate this year anyway. We'll delay the marriage. Listen, you'll have to get married one day and since we've found a good boy, I suggest you get married to him." Ami put her hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes. All I could see was Hussain.
"And haan. Forget him. Whoever he is." Ami caressed my hair. I opened my eyes.
"Ami..tum kaise-"
"Mothers always know."

Sorry! I didn't mean to make it happy to sad just like that! Okay theek hai. I'll give some good news now.
I'm writing another DhoomBros fanfiction - Always For You
Read, comment, give feedback and vote! And vote for this one as well ;)
The picture on this chapter is of our main four at the wedding.
And btw guys pray for Shabistaah who I've heard isn't well. My chapters aren't complete without her amazing comments! Please get well and start commenting again :)
Hope yall liked this chapter :)

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