"Awww scared our little sister will beat you," Loki responded with a smirk tugging on his lips.

"But you have been playing for ages and I am bored," I whined.

"Fine, we will do one more short round, then you can join. If your really that bored you can collect the ball if to goes to far," Thor said as he walked back getting ready to destroy his brother.

Loki noticed this and decided to annoy both of his siblings at once, he picked up the ball throwing it up in the air and swinging his bat at it sending it flying towards the woods at the other side of the tree.

"LOKI!" we both shouted.

"Oops," he replied satisfied with our reaction "Well Kie ... I thought it was your job to get the ball."

"WHAT ... You just threw it like miles away I am not getting that," I yelled frowning and crossing my arms, I was not going to let him win this one.

"Fine, guess we are done for tonight," Loki responded staring down at me.

"Ok I will go, but you two have to play with me after," I spun around on my heel marching towards the forest that we weren't allowed in.

"Really brother did you have to do that," Thor shifted his weight onto his other leg and also crossed his arms the same way I just did.

"Just a bit of fun," Loki responded as he turned to face the way I was walking.

"Well, when she gets eaten by a bilge snipe I will blame it on you," Thor said simply and Loki rolled his eyes.

"God why do I have the most irritating brothers seriously, AND I am stuck with being the youngest SO NOT FAIR", I muttered to myself as I found my way quite quickly to the forests edge.

It went from a couple of trees to a dense dark forest within a few steps. The dark woods, that community of heaven-spun trees, sleep and dream of the night.

It seemed silent ... eerily silent.

I knew I wasn't supposed to be here alone and it seems as if the ominous trees did too, they stood staring me down like a predator scouting out its best meal. The bushes remained too still for my liking. I glanced back to look at my brothers for reassurance, but they were merely a red and green dot in the distance.

I looked around for a few minutes not finding the ball, honestly why did I even bother. I sighed about to give up when the once silent forest whispered to me.

'I have gone mad,' I muttered to myself.

As I turned back around ready to give up my head whipped back around at the sound of a snapping twig behind me, a small wooden ball rolled towards me and hit the end of my foot.

I slowly raised my head up to see a large dark bush that covered the base of a looming tree.

"H-hello," I spoke quietly to the deathly silent forest.

"Hello again Princess," a voice spat as it walked out slowly from behind the tree.

"I think you dropped that," the figure had a deep voice, clear sense of alcohol lingered around him.

I froze to the spot I was going to turn to run or shout or do something to get my brothers attention, but I was cut off.

"I would not do that little Odindottir," he spoke coldly his words harsh against a cool breeze that whipped past my face.

"We do not want them getting in the way now do we," he took a step forward sensing my fear.

"What do you want," I managed to squeak out slowly backing up.

Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now