Chapter 2- LEADER

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Cassius lifted the files up, facing the headmaster of the Gelap.

"Why do I have all of the strong Fae? Don't you split them up?"

The male looked at him calmly, not at all deterred by Cassius' confused tone. He couldn't help but ask the question- why? He had never known a single group to hold the strongest Fae in it- not all from one class. How was he to control them?
"I'd think you would be happy, Cassius, seeing as to what happened to your group."

The male shook his head, hot temper getting the best of his intentions. His group had been partially led by him, as the Leader's Second, with the other Fae being... less fitting for war than he was. It ended with them losing half of the members before making it to the south.

"That has nothing to do with this. Why all six of them?"

"You have two that come in a package. Can't separate them. And the rest... they aren't all leaders, Cassius. You'll figure out the dynamic as you get into the room."

He raised his brows, "The top Fae is that prepared?" There were no pictures of them, but on paper Andromeda seemed to be the strongest- despite the fact that her body dimensions didn't meet up with the other top female warriors. Yet across all boards she was on top, so he wasn't putting her out of the picture.

Even he had heard of her as he was leaving the academy, merely two years before.

"I have no doubt. She's personally my favorite student here- and by far the strongest we've had since... Icarus was here."

Cassius stopped at the words, crossing his arms. "No one is as strong as King Icarus."

"Like I said- wait until you get in the room. Trust me, Cassius, the only person that can lead them is her."

"Which comes in a package again?"

The male sent him a look, pouring himself some tea. Right.

Cassius always did have a problem asking far too many questions for his own good. He couldn't help it- the curiosity, the emotions- no matter how much the Ellurian army tried to beat them out of him.

It was the reason for his spectacular victory that gave him the title general.

"Good to see you haven't changed much since you were just a boy. I remember all the questions you asked me when you first got here."

Cassius shook his head, trying not to smile at his old headmaster. "So you keep reminding me. Now, if you excuse me, I have a group to meet."

"Remember, you only have three days. Use it wisely."

He turned to leave when another question popped into his mind- and being out of the loop for the months of travel were weighing down on him. "I heard some rumors along the way of Ottaka ships heading to Sonce. Did anything come of it?"
The headmaster shook his head, eyes closing happily as he drank the tea. "No- it was just some traders bringing supplies in the country. Fish and nets and stuff- war can't stop that much."

Cassius saluted to his words mockingly, making his way out of the office and down to the training area- relieved and bewildered.

He could see the other groups already starting, most of them fighting one another to see who was the strongest. Cassius had a slightly different approach to things knowing that they were all top of their class- but the fighting would come, eventually.

After reading the lists of powers they had he took the largest room in the facility. Better safe than setting the academy on fire, he knew. Cassius stood in front of the door, seeing a couple of heads facing him. He decided to take the back, though, wanting to know if their senses were on par with what had been said about most of the Fae. He turned the corner and quietly walked through the already open doors in the back.

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