peter gets girls and sirius gets greenhouses

Start from the beginning

"Mia, that's how she likes it. She doesn't show any of us her work so I really doubt she will let anyone see a room that is probably quite literally filled with her artwork," Sirius replied gently.

Monty raised an eyebrow, "None of you have seen her art?"

Sirius's mind was suddenly filled with images from her sketchbook. The multitude of faces, plants, scenery, and eyes.

My eyes.

"Uh," he cleared his throat, "No, she is very secretive when it comes to that kind of stuff..."

Neither adult seemed to believe that of all people Sirius hadn't seen any of their daughter's work but they chose not to question the slightly flustered boy.

"Well," Mia reached over to the island and grabbed a box, "Could you at least bring her this? I forgot to give her the new charcoals I got her for Christmas."


"Just knock, she can come to the door to take them and if she asks just tell her I sent you."

Sirius sighed knowing he couldn't tell the woman no, "Alright... just let me grab my coat."

After Sirius left the kitchen to receive his leather jacket from his room, Monty turned to his wife, "I thought we just gave her the new paints she got for Christmas, you know the ones she just brought to her studio?"

Mia's eyes twinkled with mischief, "The charcoals must have slipped my mind."

Monty's reply was cut off by Sirius's return. The boy grabbed the small box off the island and made his way out to the back garden.

"My wife the matchmaking genius..."


Sirius made his way through the frost-covered garden towards the black-trimmed greenhouse that sat on the left side of the Potter property.

While James had his large field for quidditch and shed for his multitude of gear, Adelaide had her art studio.

It was a gift from the Potter parents for her fifteenth birthday, a transformed greenhouse for the newest addition to their family to practice her art.

It was by far the Tanelter girl's favorite place in the whole world.

None of the boys had ever seen the inside, except for the extremely blurry view from the outside of the glass. It was her safe place. Since she had been gifted it, Mia had only entered four times and only two of those times had Monty accompanied her.

It was entirely her own.

With all this in mind, it was painfully obvious why Sirius was incredibly nervous about how his witch would react to his pop-up visit.

She's going to throw something at me. I'm sure of it.

Suddenly the once tiny doors toward before him causing the boy to realize he had arrived.

Just do it.

He let his knuckles connect with the door three times.


There was no reply, in fact, there wasn't any noise at all.

Merlin, she's not even here anymore.

As the boy went to turn and make his way back to the manor, the door opens slightly letting out the sound of Landslide by Fleetwood Mac.

"Ma moitié?"

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