One Step Short Of Crazy

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Back in DC, Ben, Riley, and Y/n walked out the J. Edgar Hoover FBI building in annoyance and disappointment. No one thought that stealing the Declaration of Independence was even possible and turned them away.

"Is it really so hard to believe that someone's gonna try and steal the Declaration of Independence?" Riley asked in annoyance.

"The FBI gets 10,000 tips a week. They're not gonna worry about something they're sure is safe."

"But anyone that can do anything is gonna think we're crazy. Anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help."

"Well, seeing as how my parents have said I'm crazy, I wouldn't blame others for thinking the same thing," Y/n smiled.

"While that is true, we don't need someone crazy. But one step hort of crazy, what do you get?"

Riley laughed lightly. "Obsessed."

"Passionate," Ben corrected.

*Time Skip*

Ben, Riley, and Y/n sat in a room inside the National Archives, awaiting a visit with a Dr. Chase. Ben reached over and lifted a brochure which advertised the National Archives Anniversary Gala, obviously gaining an idea.

"Dr. Chase can see you now, Mr. Brown," a woman smiled as she opened the door.

"Thank you."

As the three of them stood up, Riley posed the question, "Mr. Brown?"

"The family name doesn't get a lot of respect in the academic community," Ben replied.

"Huh. Being kept down by the man." The three of them walked in the room, and both Ben and Riley froze. "A very cute man." Y/n felt a twinge of jealousy rush through her at Riley's words. Why was she jealous? She didn't care to think about. Why should she be afraid to lose him when he isn't hers to lose?

Dr. Chase was a blonde woman with kind eyes that could be also menacing or dark in a way if something was wrong. She had a kind smile that could light up a room. She seemed the type of person to be a wonderful motherly figure and appeared very caring.

"Thank you," she said to the phone before gently placing it back in its proper place. She turned to the three newcomers before standing and walking towards them. "Good afternoon."


"Abigail Chase," she stated as she shook Ben's hand.

"Paul Brown."

"Nice to meet you." She then turned to Riley, shaking his as well.


"Nice to meet you, Bill," she smiled again, before looking to Y/n and shaking hers.

"I'm Y/n L/n. It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Chase."

"Pleasure is all mine. How may I help you?"

In Ben's attempt yo flirt in a way, he said, "Your accent. Pennsylvania Dutch?"

"Saxony German."

"Oh!" Ben exclaimed, an interested tone in his voice as if the accent matter in any way to the matter at hand.

"You're not American?" Riley questioned. Y/n gave him a slight elbow in the ribs and a look that said 'A little rude'.

"Oh, I am an American. I just wasn't born here. Please don't touch that!" Ben pulled his hand away from the buttons he was looking at and glanced her way.

"Sorry. A neat collection. George Washington's campaign buttons. You're missing the 1789 inaugural, though. I found one once."

"That's very fortunate for you. Now, you told my assistant that this was an urgent matter."

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