𝐱.Crying Over Spoiled Potion

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   She kept forgetting about it, and now she's afraid she won't get to give it to him.

   "Fuck, why do I feel like I have a bigger chance befriending the Giant Squid than passing any of my O.W.L. exams," says Natalie, hiding her face in the palms of her hands.

   Robin looks at the girl, narrowing her eyes. "Probably because you really do."

   Natalie glares at the Kingsley girl, sticking out her tongue at her.

   "I actually went to ask Snape if he couldn't offer some advice and tell me what I should focus on," informs the Slytherin prankster, sighing. "He just said, 'definitely not Potions.'"

   Kim snickers at her friend's misery and shakes her head. "I'm glad I know I want to work with magical creatures," the Ainsley girl says, earning envious looks from her friends.

   "Rory said she's going to pursue a career in art," says Robin, sighing. "Doesn't want to work at the Ministry."

   "I can relate to that," Natalie nods.

   "Well, that's several possible jobs off the table, then," says Mikaela.

   "Y'know what could be really cool?" Natalie says suddenly, an idea comes to her.

   The three Slytherins raise their eyebrows at the girl.

   "Being a party organiser. I could totally do that," Natalie says with a grin.

   Kim hums. "That doesn't sound so bad."

   "If your ideal party always ends with an explosion at the end, it really doesn't," says Robin, earning another glare from Natalie. The Kingsley girl grins.

   Mikaela shakes her head. "She's just being mean because she doesn't know what she wants to do."

   "And you know?" Robin raises an eyebrow at the Song girl challengingly.

   "No," Mikaela shrugs. "But I've got ideas."

   "Fuck," Robin curses, "am I really the only one who has no idea?"

   "Seems like it," Kim presses her lips together. "You'll figure something out. It's not like you don't have the options."

   "Both of you do," says Natalie, slight bitterness slipping into her tone as she glances from Mikaela to Robin.

   Mikaela raises an eyebrow at her. "You would, too, if you weren't more worried about whether you've made a statue dance over studying."

   Natalie scoffs, waving her hand dismissively. "But it's so much more fun."

   Robin rolls her eyes. "Obviously."

   "I was simply not made to spend my days studying. Burning the candle at both ends is not my thing."

   Natalie looks at all her friends with a grin, shaking her head.

   "Especially when you don't even have the attention span."

   "She's got attention alright. Just not for school."

   "Wait, but weren't you up till five o'clock in the morning just yesterday because you're trying to best that prank Blair Diggory managed to pull off?"

   Natalie glares at Kim for pointing it out. Though she really has been trying to come up with something good.

   A week ago, Blair Diggory stole a Niffler from Professor Kettleburn and released the magical creature to roam free around Hogwarts castle. A lot of students lost their shiny possessions. Though when the Niffler was caught, their things were returned.

𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒𝐍'𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 | Oliver WoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora