𝐱.Crying Over Spoiled Potion

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No Point Crying Over
Spoiled Potion
june, 1992

   QUIDDITCH SEASON IS OVER, but Mikaela Song's life becomes much more hectic.

   As a fifth year student, she can now be found with her nose buried in dozens of textbooks of several subjects, trying to cram every and any information into her brain for the upcoming O.W.L. exams that will be taking place in the last two weeks of June.

   On top of that, Harry Potter still hasn't woken up from his coma. Mikaela finds it concerning.

   She's been to the hospital wing to check on the boy a few times. The matron assured the Song girl that Harry is just fine, and he'll wake up any time soon. But he's been unconscious for weeks now.

   Mikaela has written to Aster and even told her dad. Both (plus Remus Lupin) wanted to come to Hogwarts, so they could check on the boy.

   To this point, Mikaela's convinced Aster's been in contact with Madam Pomfrey, trying to suggest every and any potion that could possibly help. But she isn't a Healer, so her suggestions aren't that helpful.

   Lia Lupin filled Mikaela and Theo in on everything. From the Philosopher's Stone hidden at Hogwarts to Voldemort trying to acquire it.

   ("Why didn't you tell the teachers?" "We did. They didn't believe us." "What?")

   Harry, Hermione Granger, Lia and Ron Weasley have uncovered those plans. Though for the longest while, they were convinced Snape was the culprit. Mikaela couldn't blame them.

   Apparently, You-Know-Who really resided on Professor Quirrell's head. But he had to kill unicorns and feed on their blood for it.

   Quirrell's stutter was also fake this whole time. Which Mikaela found infuriating as that meant he was pretending to be a worse teacher than he actually could have been. So much lost potential.

   Personally, Mikaela would not mind being taught Defence Against Dark Arts by the master of Dark Arts himself. It is weird and stupid, yes. But You-Know-Who has experience with this kind of magic. So, him teaching Defence would be extremely effective.

   Maybe it would help her more in preparation for the upcoming O.W.L. exams.

   The Slytherin Keeper has been thinking of going to the quidditch pitch for a while, simply to blow off some steam and relax.

   But being on a broom makes her think of James Potter, and consequently, of Harry who is lying in the hospital wing.

   The copy of Quidditch Through the Ages lays on her bedside table. The Song girl has yet to give it back to Harry, despite having retrieved it so many months ago.

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