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Mullai !!

She was sitting opposite to him _ staring at her man, who had just like that changed her streamlined life of 23 yrs  into a rollar coaster ride, just  in a matter of 3 months.

What has he done to her?

Be it the day,he visited her home,in the name of Karthiban, 3 months back, as her fiancee .,

Or be it one week before, when he unleashed his original
identity as Kathir,her paternal cousin ,and claimed that
he had purposely cheated upon her whole family, in the fake name of Karthiban .,

Whatever !!

Mullai could decipher one truth for sure !!

She was in love with this man !!

Whatever may be his name ...,

Karthiban The Shadow (Nilal ) the soft sweet person who was introduced to her as her fiancee 3 months before


Kathir : The Real , ( Nijam ) the angry , arrogant beast like  guy, who
mercilessly said that he had enacted all the 3 months, under a fake name just to settle long lost old issues with
her father !!!

Just to settle chores with her father ,

Just to claim a property ,

Having it settled, in his own way, he  had claimed  that everything was over !!

And she was used as a dice in his play?

Nope !

He claimed affirmatively, that she too was drawn into the game, mainly in accordance with one of her deeds that
had affected someone..someone very dear to Kathir !

Unable to fully comprehend what Kathir had roared at her  the last week, not knowing the full scenario behind this disguised name play of his ,and most importantly unable
to accept the fact that the man ,whom she loved with all her heart had really ditched her, she had come all the
way from Hyderabad to Avinashi ,in search of answers !!!

And most importantly ,to make him understand that he too loves her, whatever ... however much he had claimed that it was all acting !!

She was so sure of it and had had solid reasons enough to make him believe so !!

She was very confident in that o, nce in meeting him again ,she could get clear with all the answers as well
make him understand that he too loves her as well.

Whatever mask he had worn !!!

Karthi  or Kathir !

He is her Man !

He had been totally wrong in perceiving that it was just
acting .

She could very easily prove him that he had been wrong
in that.

It was with those hopes she stepped in this soil ,her own roots.


But, all went in vain .,

On ,.

Finding him injured & unconscious in a brutal accident.

His survival itself was a Miracle to he honest!!

As her mind and heart were racing exactly in opposite directions, she saw the old man who had picked her up
from the temple approach her.

He had been really supportive of her and was kind enough to understand her.

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