Budget (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: What a cliche storyline. Please forgive this tired brain for this one, please. 🙏

Rome was happily skipping his way to the jewellery store he found when he was shopping with Emma a few months ago. He was grateful. If it wasn't for her, he would never discover the beautiful couple bracelets. He was saving up to be able to buy it, taking more shifts in the cafe. Rome was coming every week to the store to check if the piece of jewellery was still available. His budget was tight, but he managed to save enough to purchase it today. 

As he entered the store, he quickly made a beeline to the display with bracelets. Rome was beyond shocked that the one he wanted wasn't there. He checked with the seller to confirm the worst-case scenario. He was on his way home teary-eyed. Those bracelets were supposed to be his anniversary gift for Pick and him. Rome shuffled inside the house, not paying attention to anything and went straight to the bedroom. He was upset and sad. He laid in the bed, curling himself into the tiny ball. What was he supposed to do now? Their anniversary was right after the corner, and his plan was ruined. 

Rome was deep into his thoughts to notice his boyfriend entered the room. 

"Rome? What happened?" Pick gently tapped Rome's back. The small boy got startled by the sudden touch and faced his boyfriend. 

"Tell me." Pick nudged him again, pulling him in his arms. Rome snuggled closer, seeking the comfort of his boyfriend. 

"You don't want to tell me?" Pick asked again, only to get a tiny nod back. Pick was silent for a while, holding Rome closer, trying to calm him down. 

"I have something for you." He spoke up as he pulled away from Rome, standing up and walking to the closet. Pick was digging through it for a while before coming back to him with a small paper bag in hand. He sat back, handing it to Rome. 

"It was supposed to be a gift for our anniversary." Pick shrugged. Rome's smiled as he pulled a velvet box out of the bag and opened it. The moment his eyes landed on the two familiar bracelets, his brain stopped functioning. He was staring at the two jewellery pieces in awe.  

"You don't like it?" Pick started to panic.

"No, I love it," Rome answered as he jumped into his boyfriend's arms, kissing him soundly. 

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