True (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Continuation from Screen and Excitement. 

Khai was still shocked by what he saw. His brain could only make up one sentence. And it replayed over and over inside his head. 

"It's me." He said out loud, looking up at Third. His best friend stood next to him with the same shocked expression. 

"What do you mean?" Third stutter, playing stupid. 

"Your crush. It's me." Khai mumbled, blinking at his best friend in disbelief. Third's face turned pale.

"I don't know what are you talking about." He tried to dismiss it and reached out for his phone. Khai instinctively pulled away, making Third fall right into his arms. Their faces were so close that Khai could perfectly see freckles running over Third's nose. He didn't know he had them until now. 

"Cute," Khai whispered with a smile. Third blinked in confusion. 

"His eyelashes are so long, and those lips." Khai thought to himself.

"You are cute," Khai repeated. 

"No, beautiful." He corrected himself. Third's cheeks turn red. He tried to get away from Khai, but he only tightened his grip on him. 

"I don't mind you stay like this." Khai grinned, making Third hide his face in his chest. 

"Do you like me, Third?" Khai asked. His heart was treating to jump out of his chest as he was waiting for an answer. The almost invisible nod from the tiny man made him dizzy. 

"It's true. That's good. That's very good." His smile was wide as he held still shy Third in his arms. 

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