You looked over to the wall where a screen said "2 minutes." and was counting down every second.

This was when you realised it was all a trap.

"A bomb..." You shakily whispered to yourself.

You walked to the other side of the room and slid down the wall, clutching your knees as you sat there. Everything was happening so fast and you hadn't even processed it yet.

A bomb would go off in two minutes, and that door was not opening back up.

"Barnes, do you copy?" You said in between shaky breaths.

"Yeah, doll. I'm looking for Steve." He said, still sprinting out of the building. "I'll be with you in a few minutes, hang tight."

You ran your fingers through your hair and debated on what to say next. You had to stay strong, stay strong for your friends, stay strong for the man you spent the last few weeks of your life falling in love with.

"Bucky stop." You ordered, pulling your shit together.

And he did, as soon as that first word came out of your mouth Bucky stopped in his tracks and immediately knew something was wrong. Not once had you called him Bucky.

"Cat? What's going on?" He asked, scaring himself now.

"Don't find Steve." A single tear ran down your face as you came to the conclusion that you wouldn't see daylight again. You knew your job was dangerous but you had never really properly thought about dying, because in all truth. It scared you.

Bucky had finally made you find something to live for, and as soon as you did you wouldn't be able to live for it.

"Bucky there's a bomb." You said, "And it's inside the wall so I can't try to defuse it."

"Cat no. Your not leaving me. Not now." He replied through your ear piece.

Bucky kept running, through the winding corridors of the HYDRA base, taking out any one he passed on his way. He was angry. He was about to loose you and he would stop at nothing to prevent that from happening. He finally saw his best friend outside talking to Nat, obviously having no success finding the lab since you were stuck inside it and he ran up to them.

"STEVE." He yelled, coming at them so fast that he almost ran directly in to them.


"It's Y/N." He panicked, "She's trapped... In the lab. It was all a set up, Steve... And... And there's a bomb."

Your eyes were locked on the countdown of the bomb. It had reached 30 seconds.

You had 30 seconds left to live. What would you do with them?

"Bucky." You sobbed into your headset.

"Cat, we're coming to get you." He replied.

He was sure he could save you, he had Steve, and Nat. And when you got out he wouldn't hold back anymore. He would tell you how he really felt, he would take you on that date he had fantasised about inside his head.

20 seconds.

"No, Bucky don't." You pleaded. "If you come back in the building you will only get hurt too."

"Then let me get hurt." He replied angrily, not angry at you, but angry he had let this happen, angry he was about to loose you. "I don't wanna live in a world that doesn't have you in it."

His words hurt, you wanted more than anything to be standing out there with him. But if that wasn't your fate you would just have to accept that.

"Bucky it's okay." You said, a soft smile coming onto your face, you didn't know if those words were more reassuring for him or for you.

"No, Cat, no." He replied.

Nat placed an arm on Buckys for support, tears sliding down her own face.

8 seconds.

"Thank you for everything, guys." You said into everyone's earpiece. "Bucky I love y-"

You were cut off.

And then they heard it. The thing that was only heard in nightmares. A sound, a feeling you avoided thinking about because it's the thing you least wanted to feel because the horror of it was too much.

As soon as he heard the bomb go off, Bucky fell to his knees on the ground in distraught.

The pain was too much, he was in such shock he couldn't even cry. He didn't know why, this was one of the worst things he had ever experienced. No. It WAS the worst thing he had ever experienced.

He loved you.

And now you were gone.

Even after having so little time together he knew how much he cared for you, how much he wanted to be with you, how much he really did love you.

Steve fell down to the ground next to Bucky, and put his arm round his best friends shoulders for support, and Nat done the same thing, resting her head on his shoulder and soaking his shirt with her tears.

"She called me Bucky." He whispered softly. "She told me she loved me."

And then, and only then, did a single tear slide down his face.

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