Lion King Feels

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((Hello everyone! Welcome back to another one-shot! Did you like that /totally/ original title? It's so amazing like wow 10/10. But anyways! Let's get straight to the fanfiction, yeah? Today's prompt is: "I'm watching the Lion King on my phone and I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm sobbing uncontrollably but you notice anyways." Let's do this!))

Tom felt his heart sank. He already knew that he was dead, that if he fall didn't kill him then the stampeding herd surely did the job. Tears began to pool in Tom's eyes and he bit his knuckle to muffle the pathetically sad noises he was making. He knew he shouldn't cry, it was something he'd seen happen many times before. But still, he couldn't help but let out a quiet mournful cry. "Mufasaaaa! Nooooo!" He wiped his eyes, trying to dry the tears. He was in public damnit! In a library no less. He shouldn't be so loud, even if the library was practically empty. He looked around, making sure that no one else was around (and by that I mean he looked in front of him for like two seconds) before he placed his head in one hand, pausing the movie on his phone and pulling out his earbuds. "Goddamnit Scar.." He sniffles a bit and wiped at his eyes again. "You watching the Lion King?" Tom blinked before turning around. Damn, looks like he forgot to check behind him...again. However, this time it wasn't some stranger, coming to tell him to be quiet. It was the cute librarian (well, librarian's assistant) who seemed to practically live in the library. His name was Jordan, and Tom would gladly, in his own words, 'open his legs like a book'. Which then earned him teasing remarks and a playful smack on the head from his friends. Jordan always seemed to be working at Iris' ((ayyyy people who had read my other story might get this)); even on weekends. Not that Tom minded. To him it was all the more opportunities to see the 'cute book nerd.' Tom would come to the library every now and again, though his visits were quickly becoming a part of his daily routine. He didn't come for the books, he mainly came just to sit back in the lounge area they had that was stuffed with very comfy beanbag chairs and watch movies on his phone for an hour or so. Jordan, however, was becoming another reason for his visits. Tom blushed. 'Damn...of course he had to see me cry over the Lion King. Way to make a great first impression Tom!' "U-Uh, yeah. How long were you standing there, exactly?" Jordan gave a reassuring smile (which Tom thought was adorable). "Not very long. I came over here because I heard something and I saw you crying about Mufasa. You seem more upset about it than Simba does. Or did, rather." Tom chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head. "Ah yeah. I get really emotional when it comes to movies.." Jordan nodded, "Understandable. Especially since it's the Lion King." Tom shrugs. "I guess." "Hey, do you mind if I sit and watch some movies with you? I was gonna take a break anyways so.." Jordan's cheeks flushed slightly as he looked away. 'Holy fuck he's too cute!' "Sure, I don't mind. Pull up a bean bag chair. I can rewind it, if you want?" Jordan smiled and quickly pulled a smaller, purple beanbag over to Tom's green one and flooded down onto it. He shook his head. "Nah, it's fine." Tom shrugged and handed him an earbud, un-pausing the movie and unconsciously leaning closer to Jordan. They ended up staying there for around two hours or so, joking around and singing along to certain songs under their breath. They exchanged numbers halfway through the second movie, this one was 101 Dalmations. They watched about 3 and a half movies before they eventually fell asleep. So there Iris found them as she went back to tell any leftover customers that they would be closing soon. She found them fast asleep, leaning against each other and practically cuddling while Tom's phone still played the movie. Iris, not wanting to wake them up, simply smiled and took a few pictures on her phone. For blackmail, of course. She turned the phone off and walked off. She could keep the library open a little longer.

((And done! For once, I didn't write this while half asleep! It's a miracle. So hopefully, this one is a little better in terms of writing than the others. It's probably not but hey I can dream! Also I feel like this one is shorter than the other ones.. Hmm.. But yeah! I hope you all enjoyed and I will see all you people in the next chapter! Later!))

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