...Bonus: Part 2...

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*Yes I'm using this pic again. I just love it so much 😩*

What the hell was going on?
Grandma stood up and started walking towards us. When she was face to face to us she looked at Isabella.

Grandma: I see he finally asked you.

Grandma took Isabella's hand and looked at the ring.

Grandma: You know he's been planning to ask for like a week now.

I slightly blushed and looked away.

Grandma: Anyways. Ready to go?
Y/N: Wait what do you mean?
Grandma: He doesn't know?

Isabella looked down, she had this sad look on her face again. Then she looked up at me.

Isabella: Grandma is here to take me away. We both agreed that she wouldn't take me prisoner until another 8 months. It was her idea to reunite us.

I looked at Grandma and Isabella in utter shock.

Grandma: I thought he knew.
Isabella: I- I didn't tell him.
Y/N: S-so you're leaving?

She nodded.
I tried my best to stay strong and not shed a tear.

Y/N: Isabella..

Grandma looked at the demon body guards, and gesture for them to come over here.
Shit, I have no chose. I can't protect her this time. Its not like we can run away. Where were we supposed to go.

When the demons got to us, they immediately put hand cuffs on her wrist. Stepping her away from me a bit.

Y/N: But..what about the kids?
Grandma: We informed your teacher about this. So good job you have officially graduated from training. You are now the official caretaker of this plantation.

I knew I could handle taking care of the kids, but I the fact that Isabella wasn't gonna be by my side anymore.

Grandma: We have a list of caretakers that would be happy to work with you.
Y/N: Other caretakers?

Grandma handed me a clipboard full of names.

Grandma: Their are also people that can work as sisters.

I looked at Isabella again and she looked worried.
I recalled old dreams that she had from the past, about leaving her for another woman.
I knew it would tear her apart if I accepted the offer.
I didn't want her to be alone thinking I'm off trying to get with another woman.

Y/N: No thanks. I'll be fine taking care of the kids on my own.

I looked at Isabella and her face relaxed a bit.

Grandma: Alright then.

She handed the clipboard to one of the demons.

Grandma: Anything you guys wanna say to eachother before we leave?

I nodded my head yes.

I turned to Isabella and gave her one last hug.

Y/N: I promise I'll take good care of the kids

I whispered in her ear.

Isabella: Take care of yourself too.
Y/N: I love you so much. My darling.
Isabella: I love you too.
Y/N: I'll miss you.
Isabella: I'll miss you more.

I released her from the hug and kissed her one last time. It was a soft kiss, full of love.

Y/N: Hopefully we see each other again.

Isabella X Reader Where stories live. Discover now