...You think I'ma what?...

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I entered Isabella's office and found her sitting at her desk.
I did a little wave.

Isabella: How was you're first day?
Y/N: It was good.
Isabella: The kids love you.

She got up from her seat.

Y/N: I guess so. I didnt expect the kids to be so interested in my random songs.
Isabella: You certainly have a voice.

I awkwardly chuckled.

Isabella: Oh ya I forgot to tell you.
Y/N: Ya what's up?
Isabella: I didn't want to bring this up yesterday, because I felt introduction is important.

She stepped a little closer to me and gave me a little glare.

Isabella: I'm warning you. If you dare do anything with the children or try anything with me.

I thought for a second confused.

Y/N: What do you mean?
Isabella: You're a man. Who knows what going through you're dirty mind.

I blushed in realization.

Y/N: Isabella you dont think I would actually...
Isabella: I would hope not.
Y/N: Don't worry about it boss.

I put my hands on her shoulders.

Y/N: You know me. I wouldn't do anything like that. I wouldn't even dare to try and hurt you or the kids.

I smiled.

Y/N: I'm behind you, always.
Isabella: That's not a good phrase to be saying right now.
Y/N: And you say I have the dirty mind!

She chuckled, and pointed to the door.

Isabella: Ok get out of my sight.

She playfully joked.

Y/N: If you say so boss.

I nodded while heading for the door.
I started humming a song while walking back to my room.

Short Chapter!

Isabella X Reader Where stories live. Discover now