CHAPTER 12 | subject 13

Start from the beginning

He nodded at the medical analysis monitors. "Once it's determined that the correct gene has been targeted, the exact same dosage of the variation is introduced into the control subject's bloodstream."

The American Alpha pointed to the unconscious male. "And is this a test subject or control subject?"

Hans patted the patient on the head. "This is Control Subject Thirteen, and we are quietly optimistic at this stage. We introduced the drug one hundred and seventy-two hours ago, and so far, the subject has shown no signs of infection, even though the test subject has."

He cringed when the American Alpha picked up his favorite scalpel from the instruments tray and examined it. Now he would need to start cleaning all over again.

"And if you determine that this is the correct dosage, how are you going to get the right people to take it?" the American Alpha said.

Hans closed his mouth when Alpha Lauzon took over the conversation. "We have procured an organization that supplies artificial sweeteners and caffeine to the food industry. This will be our delivery mechanism to ensure wide-reaching exposure, giving us maximum damage. In fact, we have already distributed the current version of Wildfire in a range of products. Once we finalize the formula, we will already have the mechanism for the quickest distribution."

Alpha Lauzon eyed the instrument table.

A wave of disappointment washed over Hans. Not only had the new arrival disturbed his carefully laid out instruments, now his alpha wanted to perform the procedure.

Alpha Lauzon picked up the oversized bone marrow biopsy needle and smiled. "Wake him." The voice was cold, hard, and free of any emotion. "I want him to be conscious for this."

Hans reached for a small bottle of ammonium carbonate, and waved it under the nose of Control Subject Thirteen. The man strapped to the table inhaled deeply, and the monitors registered a rapid increase in pulse and blood pressure.

It took a full five minutes before the man was fully conscious. When he finally came to, he released an endless bone-chilling scream. The man had been subjected to a number of these procedures, each one more painful than the last. Bone marrow had been removed from so many areas on his pelvic bone, he resembled Swiss cheese.

Hans kept his thoughts to himself, but wished he had never shown his alpha how to perform the procedure. "I think perhaps this time we require two samples, one from the bone as usual, and, it's time for a sample of brain matter."

Alpha Lauzon stood over Control Subject Thirteen and pressed the oversized biopsy needle into the man's body. The needle broke the skin and dug its way through tissue and muscle. Blood oozed and pooled around the dent, trailing onto the table.

The man's face contorted in agony, and he cried out between ragged, painful breaths. Tears streamed down his face. "Stop. Make it stop."

Metal scraped against bone as the needle reached its intended target, and Alpha Lauzon rotated the instrument to get a deeper sample. Subject Thirteen tried to twist away, but the restraints held him down. His uncontrollable scream pierced the silence in the room.

The monitors beeped furiously and red lights flashed.


Hans reached for the defibrillator paddles and charged the unit. "He's going into cardiac arrest."

Alpha Lauzon placed the biopsy needle on the table. "Do not let him die. I haven't finished with him yet."

A sense of urgency rushed through Hans, and he glanced at his assistant. He'd just gotten the man trained. The alpha had a tendency to kill his assistants when things did not go right. Everyone stepped back as he moved in and placed the paddles on the man's chest.

"Clear," he said and released the current.

The man's body convulsed. The process was repeated twice before his pulse returned and steadied. The smelling salts were reapplied, and the test subject woke up. Alpha Lauzon stepped back to the table.

Hans let out a relieved breath as he dropped the small glass bottle onto the tray. Their luck had held out. For now. Joining their alpha at the table, Hans nodded to his assistant, and they turned the man's head, holding it in place so Alpha Lauzon could position the needle.

Subject Thirteen, too weak to fight, struggled with the little strength he had left. Before the bliss of unconsciousness took him again, he cried out, agony reflected in his broken voice.

"I hope you rot in hell, bitch!"

Alpha Lauzon smiled coldly,the whites of her teeth a vivid contrast to her perfectly applied dark redlipstick. "You say bitch like it's a bad thing."    

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