Slowly, I returned the kiss and moved my lips rhythmically to his.

His thumb drew small circles on my cheek while he ran his other hand through my hair.

Fireworks of emotions exploded inside me and I forgot how to breathe in a moment. The only thing I felt was the moist warmth of Hyunjin's lips and his warm hand still resting on my cheek.

Full of passion he kissed me, running his tongue over my lower lip again and again, deepening the kiss greedily. Uncertainly I opened my lips and as if on command Hyunjin let his tongue slide in.

With every second the kiss became stronger, more passionate.

I never wanted this moment to end, never wanted to forget the feeling of his lips on mine and how the sweet taste of his lips transported me to heaven.

As we both slowly ran out of air, Hyunjin moved away from me, looking at me with wide eyes.

His cheeks were slightly flushed while his lips were swollen from the intimate kiss.

He panicked and moved away from me as if he had just realized what had happened.
"I-I'm sorry." he stammered, and I slowly struggled to my feet. Panic spread through me. Panic that he would walk through the door now and all of this would be forgotten.

And my fear came true.

From one second to the other he ran out of the room without giving me another look.

I noticed how slowly but surely individual tears left my eyes and sought their way towards the bed sheets.

Flashback End

"You stupid idiot!" sourly I kicked the nearest locker as I stopped in the middle of the hallway.

As if this leaving at the party wasn't bad enough this idiot couldn't even remember the night because he was so drunk and that had given me the rest.

That was also the reason why I collapsed the day Felix and Jisung saw me.

Hyunjin had seriously told me to my face that he didn't feel anything for me and would never kiss me even when he was drunk.

He just wouldn't admit what he had done that night after I told him about it.


I winced as I heard a familiar voice echoing through the school hallway.

My body tensed and I didn't turn in his direction.

I didn't want to see him. No.

"Seungmin..." I felt a heavy breathing body come to a stop beside me but I showed no reaction.

But when I noticed a hand on my shoulder, I slapped it away.

These hands would never touch me again.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted in anger in Hyunjin's face, who flinched and took a few steps back.

"I just want to talk to you!" he came back toward me the steps he had backed away from me and I shook my head.
"But I don't." I hissed, turning my head to the side as I didn't want to look him in the eye.

"My God Seungmin, can you finally explain to me what's wrong with you!"

"Are you that stupid?!" in a flash I turned to Hyunjin, who looked at me uncomprehendingly. As if he had absolutely no idea what he was even doing.

I was about to shout something in his face again when he suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me against the lockers behind me.

Shocked, I looked at him, his gaze filled with anger.

I should be the one pissed off, not you.

"G-get away..." under a shaky voice, I tried to push the blond haired one away from me.

I didn't want to feel his closeness anymore.

He shouldn't fucking touch me!

"Not until you tell me what's going on." Hyunjin's voice was just a breath. He sounded so soft that I couldn't almost hear him.

He had rested his forehead on my shoulder, his hands still fixing me against the locker behind me.

At that moment I didn't even notice how scattered tears ran down my cheeks. Slowly they made their way to the floor and I couldn't help sobbing.

It just hurt so damn much that this ferret just didn't understand.

Hyunjin seemed to realize what was going on with me and quickly broke away from me and looked at me with wide eyes.

Not that nickname...

I couldn't get a word out. The only thing that could be heard was my sobbing that I couldn't hold back any longer.

"I'm sorry." from one second to the other I realized how two strong arms wrapped around me and pressed me tightly against a strong chest.
"Whatever I did, I'm sorry." whispered Hyunjin into my neck, leaving a soft kiss there.

"You're such an idiot..." I mumbled and buried my fingers in his white shirt, trying to hold on to it so i wouldn't fall over right away.

And there I was.

A crying wreck and my feelings for Hyunjin forever unspoken.

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