Chapter 1

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"So this is the majestic land of the outer world?" a female with blonde hair and pink eyes says. "Yes now come on! Get dressed! The banquet will start soon." another blonde girl says but with brown eyes. The pink eyed blonde just nods and goes to the dressing room to get dressed. With such remarkable and unique features one could easily say that she wasn't ordinary and yes she wasn't and neither were her friends.

After getting ready the girls started to walk towards the banquet hall. "These all are so different, beautiful and unique! Very different than the ones where we performed before. Right Hera?" the pink eyed girl says. "Yes this is quite different than the west." the first brown eyed girl apparently Hera replies. "From the land to the culture, attire etc. Plus the men in the outer world are quite fine." another blonde with brown eyes looking Hera's younger sister says. "You seem quite fond of men Kiera. Looks like you are coming in age." the pink eyed blonde says "Now get in positions! Diana! You are the lead fast!" the burnette in the front calls making the pink eyed girl who apparently is Diana to rush forward.


"This is way too unfamiliar to me. Where did Hera, Kiera and the rest disappear?" Diana asked to herself while walking in the dark hallway. After the banquet Diana and her group got changed and headed to their stay but the curious Diana got distracted by one of the antique and got separated from her group.

Diana then finally found a way out of the four walls and ended up in a huge garden. She started to walk around hoping to meet her friends. As she was walking she felt somebody's presence, she decided to ignore it but after a while just couldn't as the presence grew stronger each passing second and it wasn't so pleasant.

Soon her instincts kicked in when she felt a hand approaching and her legs started running in full speed towards unknown direction. Diana wasn't in her right mind, her mind and heart was overcome with fear which grew bigger and bigger as she could feel the strong presence still following her in a fast pace. 

As the person was about to catch her, Diana suddenly came across two female startling herself and the two. Diana was sweating and panting hard as she crossed all her physical limits to run away from that person. The two women who came across her were awestruck by Diana's heavenly, unique features.

"Are you okay-" the female in the right asked extending her hand but Diana backed off startled. "Look! Its okay! We aren't going to harm you. Why are you panting?" another female asks stepping forward but Diana backs off startled making the female confused.

"Dushala? Subhadra?" a gruff voice calls from behind Diana. "Who is she?" another voice asks. "Bhrata Bheem! Bhrata Shahadev! We just met her, we were just taking a stroll and we bumped into her." Dushala says. 

Diana freezes hearing the gruff voice. "Who are you- wait!" Shahadev tries to question but Diana runs off to her left but is stopped by a sword right infront of her startling her. She tries to run to her right but is stopped by an arrow startling her even more. 

"Arjun! Nakul!" another man calls the archer and swordsman along with a middle aged woman. "Pranipat jyesth, mata" Nakul and Arjun says. "What are you doing with the poor soul?" the rajmata of Hastinapur Kunti asks. "She is acting suspicious mata." Nakul says. "How so?" Yudhistir asks.

"She was running and bumped into Dushala and rajkumari Subhadra. After Shahadev asked who she was she started running away. A foreign girl in the middle of the night running away as if her life depended isn't it weird and suspicious? She could be a spy or assassin from enemy kingdom." Arjun reasons. 

Diana is moved to tears frightened for her life. She just barely got away from the man following her and suddenly met these strange people who threw weapons at her which could have killed her.

"Who are you?" Yudhistir comes forward but Diana backs off frightened. "See! She is acting suspicious as Arjun and Nakul said!" Bheem says. "She is just frightened Bheem." Yudhistir says as he could differentiate between good and evil with just one glance as he was dharmaraj and he found nothing but pureness in Diana who was extremely frightened.

"Putri? Who are you? Come forward." Kunti says as Diana was hiding in the dark. Diana was extremely frightened as she had never been in such foreign land all alone without her friends ever in her life. She just went deeper in the dark. "We won't harm you." Dushala says coming forward.

Frightened Diana turned around and sprinted few steps just to get her wrist caught. Fear washed all over her and she started to tear up even more. "Arjun! Let her go!" Yudhistir says and as Arjun was about to reason Diana get away from his grip just to be caught by Nakul's.

"if she was innocent why would she try to run away jyesth?" Nakul asks catching Diana by hand. "Come out... I don't like to use force especially on women." Nakul says. "Lo siento! De jame ir!" Diana says in a small voice crying.

Hearing her cry made nakul panic as he didn't mean to hurt her or make her cry. He didn't even catch her tight, he barely had his hands wrapped around her wrist, it was just few fingers holding it. 

"Bhrata! Let her go! She is crying!" Dushala says and Nakul quickly lets go panicking. Diana quickly runs away and the rest follow her as it was dangerous for one to be running like this in the huge garden and she was a stranger and few still had doubts on her.

The pandavas and the rest take another route. Diana looks behind to find them missing but she bumps into a hard chest making her stumble back and look at the figure.

The moon finally showed itself and the light hit them making them visible to each other. The pink and hazel brown eyes clashed. The hazel eyes quickly softened seeing the shiny tears which looked like crystals on the pink eyes.

"Devi-" Arjun says but Diana quickly moved back but Arjun catches her this time stopping her. frightened Diana passes out and Arjun catches her panicked. "You found her?" Nakul asks rushing towards Arjun. Arjun slowly sits down along with Diana's passed out body, he didn't dare to catch her tight as she looked so delicate that she would disappear into thin air if he caught her tighter even by mistake.

"Wait a minute... She is the lead dancer from today's banquet!" Subhadra says. "Yes! Yes! Everyone has been talking about her talent and beauty!" Dushala says. "But what is she doing here this late?" Bheem asks. "Let's take her inside first." Kunti says and Arjun carries Diana softly and walks inside the palace.


"She was running and panting. It looked like as if she was running away from somebody." Dushala says. "The poor soul was so frightened that she ended up fainting." Subhadra says to Gandhari. 

"Please focus on checking her health ved ji." Arjun says breaking the raj ved's staring session at Diana. "Y-yes prince." Ved ji says and starts checking Diana. He checks her eyes and nerves. "Isn't she the main dancer from the banquet?" the ved asks making Dushala nod.

"Her performance along with her mates was excellent. Her each and every moves were elegant and graceful." ved ji says. "I think you are supposed to say about her condition not performance." Nakul says. "Ahh! Yes my apologies. It seems as if she was running away from somebody as kumari Dushala said. She has exceeded all her limits by running and must have been quite frightened as if by an attack." the ved ji says.

"When will she recover ved ji?" gandhari asks. "After an hour or so. I shall prescribe some medicines please give it to her on time." Ved says and exits. "Bhrata attacked her for no reason. She is just the dancer from last night's banquet not an assassin." Dushala says. "You frightened the poor girl so much that she fainted." Subhadra adds.  

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