Wierd mankind encounters

Start from the beginning

"We both haven't, chances us seeing him are rare" Aya says

Lucky me meeting the old man who looks like he gets his diaper changed first!!

"Meh wasn't much, but uh I gotta get going I'm gonna be late" I say hurrying up and away.

"You not slick we all know you fenna go examine those dumb ass leaves again" Aya says rolling her eyes.
"They're not dumb!!" I shout running way towards my collection

"Alright now to my favorite leaf collection" a wide smile on my face present. I'd gotten close in my studies so far! And nobody doing it like me with the leaf studies!!
'Actually nobody's doing it at all but that's not the point..'
The odd stuff that flows in these leaves, is chakra. Just like that weird doctor had said.

"What exactly do you gain from jotting down information on leaves?" A voice said behind me, startling me.

"My apologies I hadn't met to startle you, it's just I've noticed that you come here every day and start writing in odd..code??" The woman carrying to grocery bags asked

Her tan skin and soft eyes were a sight to see.
"Uh..um that's just my native language "I answer way to shaky for my own liking.

The woman motherly clothes were odd to me, my mothers clothing never touched her ankles. Your baggy shorts and loose shirt was something you would wear back home from how hot it would be.

"I'm sorry for intruding on your study, Nara Yoshino but if you don't mind me asking, why are you studying the leafs?"

"Um I wanted to know the difference between leafs here and at home" I lied, no way was I gonna look like a crazy person lookin at leafs.

"That explains a lot actually" I hear her say in a low mumble I almost missed it
"Well I'm sorry for intruding but I must go nice meeting you!!"

'Weird woman, pretty but weird'
This isn't the first time I've just had people looming over me to see what I might be up too, or poking at me randomly. Aya said that's normal tho..
Well since I know about the leafs no use in studying anymore.
No need for me to study Chakra since I don't have it, and doesn't necessarily interest me tho I don't now what it is. Medical or not if it doesn't really affect me I don't care, my folks didn't have chakra and they were fine.
> ᴺᵉˣᵗ ᵈᵃʸ

The tapping from my pen an paper as I erase the data again and start over.

"You have nice hair"a voice that is been hearing for the past few days
"Thank you Yoshino-San" I say as I feel her fingers lightly tug at my hair.
Lin said I'm supposed to use "honorifics" when speaking to people like "Yoshino Nara" or most people anyone, but I usually end up forgetting.
"So what exactly are you doing?"
"Uh my math homework"
'Couldn't pay me to try and find out why this woman has been bothering me lately' I thought as she looked over my home work.

"Ah your good at math?"

"Yeah I'm good at it but question, what exactly are you gaining from asking me things like this and sticking around me?"I ask and she stares a little a bit paused before she giggles.
"Well your one of the talks of the town so I had to see for myself"
"How long have you known?"she asked
"What that your tallying info about me?" I say blankly
"I wouldn't say tallying but yes"she says voice kind eyes still soft but something amusing rested in them.
"That's all you people here seem to like to do, gain information, you aren't the first grown up to start asking me questions"I say closing the mathematical book I'd been studying.
A smile graced her face as she stares at me pack up my things.
Standing up in front of her, I raise my eyebrows
"Anything else you wanna ask me?"
She shakes her head smile a little wider
"You amuse me your quite interesting boy" she says

"The hokage's birthday is coming up in a few weeks.."
"Ok?" I say looking uninterested at whatever bull was gonna spill out her mouth.
"Your coming as his Special guest"
"You've sparked up some interest in his guest that will be attending"
"Don't care not going I don't like that guy he's creepy"
"For one, you don't have a choice and two, show some respect" she rolls her eyes
She was becoming more like an annoying older sister day by day and damn was she good at playing the part..
"I haven't even done anything what have I done to "spark up" interest"I ask my hand running down my face in annoyance.
"Remember that woman you spoke to a few days ago?"
"Yeah- wait how did you now I was speaking with her" I ask but her being the annoying cricket she is she ignores my question and goes on.
"Well that woman was the the wife of the head Of the Nara clan"she says in a matter fact voice.
"Please don't tell me you forgot about the Village Heads like we talked about" she sighs
"No I totally remember I'm just trying to understand why that matters??"
"Malachi..the HEAD WIFE went out her way to speak with you this isn't going to go unnoticed not only that she was a Nara"she says again like I'm supposed to understand why that matters. That lady wasn't the first person to walk up to me and ask me questions?? Why's she so important? Cuz she settled down with some guy?
"Don't care, again I'm not going as a "special" guest to that guy he looks old and old guy are creepy everyone knows that" I say
"As smart as you are it's real weird when you say stuff like that.." she says before grabbing my arm
"Well it doesn't matter we need to go find some outfits for the gathering" I groan loudy as my vision shifts

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