Bonus: Humiliate Me Pt.2 *

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⚠️Homophobic slurs and strong language (for the sake of a kink), SMUT

We have a nice dinner, just Billie's family, me, and Claudia. It is filled with small talk and laughter, unlike the dinners at my house.

I have been spending more and more time at Billie's as time goes on, purely because her family is so sociable and kind. I'd much rather hang out with them than my uptight parents. Bailey has been going out a lot too, and I'm proud of her. She is much more of a social butterfly than I am, so she has lots of friends.

Bailey and I still talk every night, it's just over face time a lot of the time. It's not sad though. We are both happy to be out and about with the people we love.

Billie and I do go to my house for sex pretty often though. Since my parents tend to stay out late for work or other things, we can have the house to ourselves for a while.

When we finish eating, I help clear plates despite Maggie's wishes. I can't just eat here most nights and not help out a little bit.

Once the dishes are all cleared from the table and Billie has sufficiently nagged me to come take a drive with her, I leave the kitchen, thanking Maggie for her delicious food.

We make it to Dragon and, yes, Billie still insists on opening my door. I really thought that would blow over with time, but she has yet to relent. When we get in the car I ask, "A drive means we are going to my house, right?"

"Yes," Is all she said before turning up the radio.

Being with Billie, I have developed a new appreciation for music. She always has the perfect songs for the moment and has given me recommendations for music whenever she gets the chance.

I think my love for music really blossomed when Billie showed me a breakdown of her most popular song, Bad Guy. She told me about all of the easter eggs her and Finneas added and I listened to each of the harmonies in awe.

Now, anytime I listen to a song, I can't help but break it down into parts in my head, and it allows me to appreciate the intense labor put into it.

We approach my house and Billie hastily parks in the empty driveway, getting out and opening my door. I feel as though she's in a rush, as she is basically dragging me behind her into my house, taking the key out of my pocket and unlocking the door.

She quickly pushes me in, locking the door behind her and sitting on the couch. I do the same.

"Why the rush?" I ask.

She bites her lip, taking in a breath to calm down before talking slowly, "I want to finish our conversation."

I smile, "Me too."

Billie takes a deep breath, "S-so you like when I call you a good girl?"

"Yes," I answer confidently.

"What else do you like?" she asks.

"Oh, well I like it when you praise me in any way, but especially when it's kind-of condescending." I say.

"What the fuck is that word?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm, I don't really know how to explain it. I guess I like when you talk to me like I'm less than, but only in a sexual setting."

Billie bites her fingernail, "And you wouldn't feel insulted?"

I think for a moment, "No, I mean I would want to set boundaries for what you can say, but I really want you to, well," I pause, unsure of her reaction to what I am about to say, "Humiliate me."

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