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Where is it?

I search my room frantically for my journal, having no luck. Now that I think of it, I have not seen it since school yesterday in the library. Could I have left it there?

Oh my god. Someone has it.

Someone has my journal. How will I know who? And will they read it?


No. There's... stuff.. in there.

There's everything in there.

As I give up on finding my journal tonight, I get ready for bed. No one knows about my journal. Well, no one but Billie.


Nah. Billie couldn't have taken it. She has a journal too, she must understand my need for privacy, right?

I ended up staying awake all night, racking my brain for where I must have left my journal. Before I fall asleep, I decide I will rush to school early and check the library before anyone gets there.

When I wake up, my alarm hasn't even gone off yet. I quickly check the time and notice I am awake 15 minutes early.


As I get ready for the school day, I reflect on my dream last night.

I am running through the hallways of the school, looking inside each locker and under every table. My heart is racing and I can hear faint cries of laughter behind me, clouding my hearing. The longer I go without finding it, the faster my heart beat gets. I run into the library and before I am able to enter, I plow into a body.

They don't fall down or even stumble. They stand their ground, firmly holding my journal in between their- her ring-clad hands. My eyes slowly crawl up Billie's figure and land on her icy blue orbs. She smirks and hands me the book, but as I grasp the binding, it disappears.

I look back up at Billie frantically, panic in my eyes and she laughs and laughs, her voice drowning out into the sounds of laughter coming from the students around me.

I shiver at the thought of the horrible dream and spit out my toothpaste. I choose a simple outfit for the day, not caring to impress Billie, the object of my nightmare, and running downstairs for my poptart I already stuck in the toaster a few minutes ago.

As I walk up to the school, I shove the last bite of poptart into my mouth and swallow before entering through the office. The school gate shouldn't open for another few minutes, but I hope they let me in early after hearing my sob story.

"Hi, I am Cameron and I left my very important journal in the school library yesterday?" I always sound like I am asking a question when talking to these people, even if my sentence is a statement, "I was hoping you might let me in a little early to find it?"

The lady sitting at the desk scowled at me and looked down to her files she was working on when I walked in, "Sorry, can't help you. We don't let students in the school for another..." she checks her watch, "3 minutes."

I am too afraid to argue and defeatedly walk out of the office and back to the front gate of the school. As I sit down on the front steps with a sigh, I hear a familiar voice.

"No special outfit today, baby?" Billie asks, "I always look forward to seeing you all prettied up for me."

I am not in the mood for this right now.

"Bold of you to assume it's for you," I scowl up at her when I meet her eyes.

She raises one eyebrow and comes down to my level, "Getting a little too confident, aren't we?" she pauses and turns her face into an intimidating expression, "Kitten."

"Not in the mood, Billie," I say, calmly this time.

"Okay, what the hell, Cameron?" Billie stands up again and crosses her arms looking down at me, "I really thought I was done conditioning you."

I cower, the fear coming back to me, "I am sorry, Billie, I really am. I am just having a rough morning," I sigh, "You'd understand."

"Oh I would now, would I?" she says quizzically.

"Yeah, have you ever lost your Journal? Your everything?" I look up at her with tear-filled eyes.

Billie's face softens slightly at that question but I am interrupted by the gates clicking open. I gasp and run through them faster than I ever have, leaving Billie in the dust.

I make it to the library, and run in, straight to where I sat yesterday.


It's not here. I continue frantically looking at an empty table, this time, the tears running down my cheeks. My breath gets quicker and I feel myself spiraling into another panic attack, my tics getting progressively worse and my heart beating loudly in my ears. Everything is ready to go blurry when I am slammed into by a body like a football player catching a touchdown. I think that's how the reference goes.

Arms wrap securely around my shaking body and remain unmoving, tight, and my face sits inside what feels like a soft pillow. The sheer shock of the impact and the comforting hold keeps me from reaching the height of my panic and I slowly wind down, snuggling into the pillow further.

"You're okay."

We sit like that for what feels like forever, but ultimately, not long enough. I realize it's Billie once I calm down a little bit and that my face is, in fact, buried in between her tits.

I could have stayed there in Billie's arms forever, and I mean that, but when Billie notices my breath slowing down, she releases me and holds up my face to look into my eyes.

"You have no need to worry, Princess, everything will be alright."

I take a slow, shaky breath, "I wish I could believe you, but someone has it."

"Someone has what?" she asks.

"Someone has my journal, Billie."

Billie pulls the inside of her cheek between her teeth in thought and searches my face. I blush but don't turn away, my head still firmly between her soft hands. I wonder what she is thinking, but I don't ask, knowing she will probably tell me in a moment.

"You panicked because you don't know who has your journal?"

"And whether they've read it," I finish.

Billie sighs deeply, looking down from my eyes at her shoes for a short moment before looking into me again, "I have it," she pauses, "and yeah, I read it."


well hello there! I'm glad you're here!

Just finished my other book if you wanna check that out (idk you might like it)


okay, bye <3

Study Buddies// BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now