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Time to face the music, I suppose.

Billie smirks as I approach her and moves her hand toward mine, "may I?"

This bitch's smirk deepened as I stood there, flustered, with thousands of thoughts running through my head. Slowly, I came out of it and hesitantly took her hand as she led us out of the school.

She opens the door for me and I take a seat inside of Dragon. When Billie walks over to the other side of the car and gets in, I take that as an opportunity to ask for my journal back.

"Hey, so I'd feel a lot better right now if I could have my journal?" I pause, ticking slightly hoping that Billie doesn't mind my asking, "It is after school and all."

"Relax, baby," she places her hand on my thigh, "Don't worry your pretty little head about it."

Really, Billie? Hehe that rhymed.

I just turn forward, facing out the windshield and Billie starts up Dragon, presumably heading to my house. When we arrive, I wait for Billie to open my door, like always, and we head inside. No one is home, like most days after school, so I just unlock the door and we step in.

As we stand awkwardly in the living room, I am not sure what to do, as I don't feel like I am totally in control of the situation at hand. I feel as though I'm just waiting for whatever Billie does next and its freaking me out a little bit. I tic a couple of times in suspense and Billie finally makes a move.

I watch as she drops her bag and sorts through it, taking my journal out. I reach to grab it and she moves it away calmly, "Just be patient Kitten, you'll get it back when I give it to you."

I give her a blank expression, conveying annoyance and she just smirks, opening up the book.

"eh, ehm," she clears her throat, "'Dear, Billie.'"

She's gonna read it to me? Yeah, no.

I turn and run, having no idea where I am running to. I can hear Billie's loud laughter from behind me, but I keep running in no specific direction. At the moment, that means in circles around the kitchen table.

"No no no no no no no NO," I yell as I run. Billie just keeps laughing at my silliness and eventually catches one of my flailing arms in her hand.

"Stop, Cameron! You're gonna make me laugh too hard and I can't read this," she giggles out, "now sit down and let me embarrass the shit out of you already."

I pout, "I don't want you to embarrass the shit out of me."

"Too bad, mama, that's what's happening."

With her hand still around my wrist, Billie leads us to the couch and sits me down, crouching down in front of me. I bury my face in my hands as she begins reading.

"Okay, this is the first one," she pauses, takes in a breath and begins,"'Dear Billie. Billie, I think you are really, really hot.'"

"OHH MY GAWD," I let out.

She giggles, placing her hand on my knee and continues, "'I am serious,' Yeah Cameron you're serious, 'I am trying to play it cool and all around you and Bailey,' is that your sister?"

"Yes," I answer, my voice muffled by my hands.

Billie drops the book and peels my hands off of my face, "I can't hear you when you are covering your face like that."

"Yes she's my sister," I say, feeling the cool air chilling my hot cheeks.

Billie smirks and continues, "'But daaamnnn,'" Billie giggles, "'You make me feel some typa way,'" she can't contain her cheesy smile. "'I don't know if you like me or if you are just using me, but either way, I like the attention'," she rubs my knee, "I'm glad."

Study Buddies// BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now