𝐂𝐇 𝟎𝟏 - "𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬"

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

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"Shit." I cursed under my breath the moment I checked the time. There was only 15 minutes left till class started and I knew that I was going to be late. I groaned and buried my face into my pillow, already having zero hopes that I would make it to school in time. It wouldn't hurt to sleep more since I would be late either way.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring loudly. Who in their right mind would call me at this hour? With my eyes half wide open, I groggily grabbed the phone from my bedside table and looked at the caller's details.

Tsukkisaurus 🦕

"Ah shit." I cursed for the second time and braced myself for his lecture. For some reason, I forgot how he'd always wait outside of my house since we always went to school together. Out of panic, I ignored his call and got changed in record time. I grabbed all my notes sprawled on my study table and dumped them in my backpack, making a mental note to arrange all of that once I was in school. Once I was ready, I hurriedly sprinted down the stairs, I was still able to muster a hurried goodbye to my mom and made it out the door.

"Took you long enough." I looked in front of me and saw him leaning against the lamppost. He slowly made his way towards me and I started wracking my brain for an excuse. He was probably mad at me for making him wait outside my house for almost 30 minutes. Any human being with a right state of mind would be mad, right?

"I'm sorry I—" My apology was cut short when he flicked my forehead out of nowhere. "Ow!" I glared at him as I covered my forehead just in case he'd flick it the second time. I had to admit that I deserve that, so I didn't make any more exclamations and just continued to glare at him instead.

"That's for making me wait and," Tsukki reached inside of his bag and pulled out a tupperware. "Here." He handed it to me and I took it with hesitation, giving him the suspicious look. He rolled his eyes and said, "It's not a poisoned, I swear."

I chuckled. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited, it wasn't usual for him to give me gifts this early in the morning, honestly, he just wasn't someone who gave gifts at all. I wasted no time opening it and softly gasped as I was met with my favorite snack.

"Dinosaur pancakes?!" I excitingly shouted out loud and grabbed one to chug down my mouth. They were basically pancakes shaped into dinosaurs, it was Tsukki and I's favorite snacks ever since we were children. His mom would always make the tastiest pancakes and I'd always be happy whenever he'd brought me over some.

"Mom told me to bring you some." He started walking and I followed beside him. "I told her to stop making them into dinosaurs since we aren't kids anymore." I looked at him and he continued to look straight ahead. "But she ignored me and said you still liked them and that it's the only thing that mattered." He spatted the last line bitterly which made me laugh.

"I think your mom likes me more than her own child." I retorted and stuck my tongue out for him to see. He gave me the same old disgusted look and continued to ignore me for the rest of our walk to school. It was always like this, I'd tick him off over something little and he'd ignore me for the rest of the trip. I bet that he was probably too tired or too lazy to say anything back. I would always be the one to banter while he'd be the one to listen endlessly.

The school gate slowly came to view and I checked my watch to see the time. We still had 5 minutes till classes start. That was a close call, I guess getting changed so hurriedly was worth it, plus being pressured by the fear of Tsukki's wrath if ever I didn't get out of bed that moment. I heaved out a sigh as I ate the last bits of dinosaur pancakes and put the tupperware inside of my bag.

"You finished it already?" He peeked me a glance and I nodded. "I wasn't able to eat breakfast." I explained how I was in such a rush this morning that I skipped breakfast to make it to school in time.

"Hey," He called out to me. "You shouldn't do that."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him, completely clueless as to what he meant. Did he mean finishing the dinosaur pancakes he gave me? Was I suppose to leave him some? I sweat dropped since the thought of leaving him some completely flipped out my mind. I was so hungry that all I could do was devour the snack in one go.

"Skipping breakfast, I mean." He clarified with a stern look. "Don't skip breakfast next time. I'd be willing to wait more if it meant you could eat your breakfast." I gaped my mouth out at him. His words left me flabbergasted.

"Tsukki, you're so sweet it's making me tear up." I dramatically said and leaned in for a hug. This turned into a fail as he stopped me with his palm right on my forehead. "Oh come on, just one hug please?" I pleaded with my best puppy dog eyes and he looked at me with disgust for the second time this day.

"We're going to be late to class, idiot." He ignored me and walked straight ahead. What a jerk!

He was right though, if we didn't start moving we would be scolded by our homeroom teacher and I've already had enough scolding for the day. It was a miracle that Tsukki and I were in the same class, I could see myself sobbing if we weren't in the same class this school year. I've stuck with Tsukki ever since we were little that the thought of being away from him was something I wasn't used to. I remembered how we were in separate classes during our kindergarten and it made me sob for a whole day. I snorted at the memory.

We entered the classroom and made our way to our seats that were situated next to each other. Once I was already seated, a familiar green-head entered the classroom. "Yamaguchi!" I said. He looked at us and waved with a smile on his face. "Such a sunshine." I commented and Tsukki glanced at me weirdly.

"That was such a close call." He panted and sat on his chair which was right in front of me. "I woke up late today." He mentioned and I told him how I woke up late today too. We both laughed and I talked to him about being so scared of Tsukki and that he would probably kick my butt if I did it again.

"Tsukki would never do that to you." Yamaguchi said but I just shrugged. I remembered Tsukki hitting me with his dinosaur pillow back in pre-school but that was a long time ago.

"Do what?" Tsukki intervened while he opens his bag to grab his notebook and pen.

"Nothing." I snickered. He gave me a look that would make any person spill anything but it won't work on me, I gave him my signature smile instead. I heard him scoff before the class went silent as Mr. Yamaki entered the classroom to start homeroom.

𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 ; tsukishima keiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن