Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-

My mind is in utter chaos. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to think. Just as we had confirm our friendship, Brian just decides to get all intimate with me, whispering crap like "Please don't leave me." How am I suppose to respond to that?! I seriously thought he was confessing his undying love for me. How am I suppose to act around him? should I pretend he didn't say anything or maybe I should ask him about it. But what if it's got something to do with what we talked about yesterday. I'd hate to know that he's keeping another secret from me. ~Sigh~~

*Flash back~~~~~

"Michael, please don't ever leave me"

The soft whispering of these words were swept along with the wind, piercing my heart. My throat felt completely dried out. I was unable to even utter a single word. The heat omitting from his body set my body a blaze, as if there was a burning fire coursing through my veins. The vicious beating of my heart had returned. My breathing had become uneven. My thoughts are in a riot. What am I suppose to do in this situation ?! Emmm.. ahh... deeee.. ahhhh What do I do?!!

"Michael." He whispered once again causing my heart to explode into a rapid beating.

His muscular arms wrapped around me tighter almost knocking the wind out of me. Wow dude, what's going on? your heart is beating like crazy. Well of course it is, I'm being embraced by a sex god. But he's your best friend. But he's still sexy so it kinda cancels it out. Whoa, please don't tell me you're getting all hot and heavy for Brian as well?! NO! I was just appreciated his sexiness. Just like you were appreciating Stephan's hotness. This is completely different and you know it. How so ?! Hmmm?, please enlighten me with your explanation as to how your current feeling differ from the feelings you have for Stephan ?! Whoa Whoa, calm down now, inner-voice, there's no need for big fancy words. Don't talk to me with that condescending tone. Okay, relax now. No! You know what, no. Just no. I'm done with you. You can deal with this situation on your own. I'm out. Wait inner-voice, don't leave me on my own. Hey! Inner-voice, are you serious ?! How am I suppose to deal with this by myself! Inner-voice, come on, stop being such a baby. Fine then. I don't need your help, I'll deal with this myself. Okay for now lets break this silence. Just say something lik-


Again he whispered my name but this time he slowly released his embrace on me. I slowly turned around facing him once again. His glossy greens eyes felt glued to mine as we began gazing once again into each others eyes. I have no idea of what's going on. Could Brian possibly like me? This thought had sent my heart into a pounding rage. Just the feel of his gaze upon me had lit my heart and body on fire. The loud beating of my heart had echoed making my ears ring in an irritating manner. Steadily Brian reached out his hand and placed it on my shoulder sending chills throughout my body. Patting my shoulder repeatedly a wide grin was suddenly plastered to his face. A burst of laughter came exploding out of nowhere invading my eardrums.

"Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" he continued to chuckle.

"Well dude, I'm gonna go now"

Shifting his hand from my shoulder to my head, he gave it a good ruffle before turning around and walking away into the distance. I was left there dumbfounded.

*End of flashback~~

Sigh ~~ What am I suppose to do now.


Once again I was on the receiving end of Mr.Hanely's death glares. Why is it that I always have to daydream during Mr.Hanely's class, the one teacher in this school who is known for being a jackass. Now how am I going to get myself out of this mess.

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