"I 'orry" she said with her voice cracking on sorry while her lip trembled.

"It's ok baby I'm not mad" I said giving her a soft smile.

"Night night" she said rubbing her eyes harshly starting to cry again.

"Ok baby come on" I said laying down in the bed.

I pulled her on top of me rubbing her back trying to make her cries go down.

She cuddled into me with her cries turning into soft hiccups and I sighed in relief happy she was finally going to sleep.

Her hiccups suddenly starting getting louder then she burst back into loud sobs.

"Oh my god" I mumbled lowly. This took me back to my nights with my son.

He would always turn into a big baby around the week before his birthday. We never knew why.

"Baby what's wrong now ?" I asked rubbing her back.

"O-Off !" She cried trying to take my shirt off me.

"Bey-"O-OFF !!" she screamed pulling harder at my shirt.

"Ok ! Calm down baby I'm gonna take them off" I said getting her off of me then getting out the bed.

I took off everything but my bra and underwear then got back in the bed with her.

She got on top of me and stuffed her face into my neck wrapping her legs around my waist.

I rubbed her back listening as her cries died down.

She sniffed no longer crying wrapping her arms around me.

"mommy" she said lowly getting a hold of my bra. "Yes baby ?"

"off" she mumbled "No I gotta keep this on".

"p-pease" she whimpered looking at me with tears eyes.

"Ok I'll do this" I said sitting up. I took off my bra straps but left the bra on.

I laid back down with her and she wrapped her arms under my armpits.

She scooted her body down wrapping her legs around my thighs and laying her head on my shoulder.

She brought her thumb into her mouth slowing her breathing down.

"Aye I heard crying is she ok ?!" Rick said suddenly popping up.

"Boy fuck you ! Yo ass wanna have headphones in and shit so you can sleep peacefully while I struggle, go to hell Rick" I rolled my eyes.

"Dada ?" I heard bey say lowly lifting up "We don't mess with him right now baby" I said patting her back.

"kay" she said lowly laying back down closing her eyes.

"Well can I sleep with you guys ?" He asked. "Yea I guess.." I mumbled.

He smiled lifting the cover up then he quickly put it back down.

"Angela you didn't tell me she was naked" he said mugging me.

"I thought you knew" I shrugged. "Well I'm going back in the room" he said walking away.

"Ok baby turn off the light" I said and he nodded turning the light off then closing the door.

———- ———-

Next day:

"Ok so we gone go out to eat" I said and Rick nodded.

"Go give bey her medicine" I said pulling out my phone to look up restaurants.

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