"Layla?" A girl with blond hair and brown eyes called and I abruptly stopped.

"Yes?" I gave a weak smile.

"Hey!" She waved. "I was looking for you! My name is Katie, I am assigned through the main office and I will going to be your first friend." She smiled. "I will be making you more comfortable here." She looked at me waiting for my response.

My nerves eased. A sense of comfort washed over me. "Thank you."

"Oh it's nothing!" She waved her hand. "Lets go look for your first class of the day."


The first class was math. To my luck, this was actually my favorite subject.

As soon as I stepped into the classroom, everyone turned their eyes to my direction.

Great. Should have known this was going to happen.

I quickly zoomed through and sat in the first seat that was vacant which was near the back of the classroom where were still a few empty seats. Everyone was whispering and deep in my soul I knew it was about me. Well and for the fact I heard my name being passed around in low whispers.

The blondie in front of me whipped her head around, her hair grazing my face. She had a full face of makeup and a large cuban chain hanging around her collar where the tie was supposed to be. "You're the new meat huh." She laughed lowly but everyone had heard. They were all watching us.

I clenched my hands together in my lap. I felt so out of place and wanted to just get up and leave.  "Yes." I forced an uncomfortable smile. I was really trying to be nice because she was really the only one who cared to speak to me.

"Cool." The girl said, nodding her head. "What's your name?"

I licked my lips . Why can't I talk today? Oh yeah probably because everyone's  eyes were on me and I felt like I didn't belong in this sea of sharks. "My name is -"

"You're in my seat." A deep voiced professed flatly from above me.

I snapped my head up. The most brilliant green eyes met my own brown ones. "I-" I felt my throat close up. I started looking for my bag with panic as he glared at me from above.

He sighed, I felt his intimidating green eyes watch me squirm in my seat. "Whatever, I will just sit here." He hauled his bag and sat to my right on the other aisle. He didn't say anything else but everyone would not keep to themselves. I felt the heat from everyones eyes.

I positioned my hair to hide my face by sweeping it over my ears. My face felt hot and I was dying from the embarrassment. I can't believe that on the first say of class I had already messed up.

"Okay class!" I heard the teacher's voice boom and I felt relief as everyone's attention shifted off of me. "My name is Mr. Spence and I know today is the first day of classes but I want to refresh your little brains." The teacher was a tall middle aged white man. "So pop quiz!" He clapped his hands together.

Everyone groaned.

Mr. Spence raised both of his hands. "I know, I know." He then grabbed a stack of papers of his desk and began to pass them out. "As soon as you receive it you can work on it and if you are confidant enough, please go write out the answers on the board."

I looked at my paper. It was last year math. I felt a smile creep on my face. Finally something I knew how to do.

After seven minutes or so I, I didn't see anyone get up so I finally stood up and when I did, I heard the person next to me also stand up. I turned my head slightly and found the same green eyes now watching me.

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