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A year and a few months ago, that's when I first joined a live of yours. I remember that you were so kind to everyone in the live! You tried to read everyone's comments, for the first time in a long while u felt heard! So I decided to come back again, and again and again!

I met amazing people in your lives, friends for life I would say! And eventhough there not physically here, I know they're here for me! Because of you and your lives the lonely feeling that ruled my life for years started to fade out!

In one of your lives I met this person, and you know who I'm talking about! Because of you and because of your lives I met tge love of my life!

For a long time your lives were the only thing I looked forward to! They were my escape from reality.

I made friends for life, I met this beautiful person, I finally feel like having a purpose again all because of you! I'll never forget you, you'll always have a place in my mind, heart and memories!!

Personal written letters to AlvaWhere stories live. Discover now