Dear Alva

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There is not a lot of people like you. There will not be a lot of people like you. You're one of the kindest people I've gotten to know. You might disagree with this, because you've done things in your life you're not proud of. We all have.

They say that you'd really know who's the good people in life, by watching them how they treat other people at their lowest. And you, Alva, you have a literal heart of gold. You treat people with kindness and show so much empathy. You can be brutally honest in the best way possible for the people that need it.

This book is for you. It's all about showing how much you've shaped the people around you for the better.

We see you. We hear you. We love you.
We will never forget you.

Kind regards

Personal written letters to Alvaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن