Odd that this all crashes onto her, now of all times.

Mia's smile fades, a slight gasp emitting from her. She bites her lip and closes her eyes tightly, reaching for the door handle to the passenger's seat and pulling it open.

Why is it all coming back to me now?

Jumping in the seat and slamming the door shut, she attempts to distract herself, turning on the radio and flipping through channels until she finds a station playing Fallout Boy's "Less than Sixteen Candles". Mia's eyelids slip shut, her head leaning back against the cushion of the seat, her body sinking into the old material.

Stop it, brain. Stop thinking about this. It's all over now. You're putting this whole fucked up experience behind you. It's. Over.

Ash rolls his eyes and hops in to the driver's seat, recognizing the song. "Really? Fallout Boy?"

He then moves his eyes up and down, using a voice that Mia supposes is an impression of a girl. "So, do you, like, totally have a crush on, like, Patrick Stump?"

Mia's eyes snap open at his words, a frown now plastered on her face. Reaching for the seatbelt beside her, she buckles herself in, afterwards reaching for the volume control knob and turning the music down.

"I do not act like that," she insists, crossing her arms and glaring at him. "And besides, if you hate them so much, how do you know the name of the main vocalist?"

"Never said I didn't like them," he says matter-of-factly, pulling out of the driveway and speeding down the road. Mia grumbles, keeping her arms crossed and rolling on her side in her seat. She exhales, watching lazily as the scenery outside the window passes by her quickly. Leaning her head against the door, she allows her mind to wander, forcing herself to daydream about anything but the events of the cabin.

Somehow, the first image that pops into her head is that of Ash.

Twenty minutes later, they arrive outside the infamous S-Mart. Ash finds a space in the lot to park, taking out his keys, unbuckling himself and turning to Mia. Noticing her unfocused expression, he taps the shoulder of the daydreaming girl.

"Yo, kid!" He waves his hand in front of her face. "Earth to kid!"

As an involuntary response, Mia groans and whips her handless arm out, punching Ash in the chest with her stump. Hearing a grunt in pain, surprise hits her immediately and she swivels around in her seat to observe the damage she's done. Her eyes immediately widen when she spots Ash doubled over, clutching his chest in pain.

"Oh shit...!" she exclaims, unbuckling herself and hesitantly touching his shoulder. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking, and-"

"Shut up!" Ash wheezes. He stands up straight again and clears his throat. "Holy shit, kid, you knocked the fuckin' wind out of me!"

Confirming that she's harmed him minimally, Mia gives a curt nod, sighing through a tight mouth, her cheeks expanding. Smiling crookedly, she glances back at Ash and shrugs, opening the door beside her. "Well, now you know that I have the full ability to kick your ass if I have to."

"Pfft, you wish princess you just got me off guard! I'll kick your ass any days of the week!" Ash says with cocky smile. "Now get the fuck out of the car so we can get goin!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure," she scoffs, kicking her legs out of the side of the car, slipping out of the vehicle. Grabbing the door and slamming it shut, Mia strolls around to the other side of the car where Ash stands, observing the store before her. Her lips pull back into a wide grin, her teeth showing. "Wow. This place is...actually legit."

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