House or home 2

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      He walked in to the living room and I got up to greet him,

" Welcome home darling, how was your trip" I said trying to gage is mood

" My trip was fine Cynthia" he sounded exasperated he hasn't been home for two weeks and it seem has if he wish it was longer.

    " You seem tired can I get you anything?" I asked has he made his way into his home office.

      "How about some peace and quiet" he said while kissing me on my cheek and closing his door.

    My eyes burned with unshedd tears how can a man be away from his wife for so long and not feel the need to embrace her, his he even human. I can hear my mother's voice in my head

     "Cyn you need to be more out going and demanding, a man want a woman who is spontaneous and daring darling" I guess she was right because the spark

I use to see in his eyes are no longer there.

   I know his job is demanding and need his attention but there is hardly anytime for me. Darlton Gale is a great father and provider that much is true but he is lacking in the husband department. The kids were already in bed so I made my way up the stairs to get ready to do the same tomorrow will be a long day and I really needed the rest.

*Darlton POV**

   Entering my my home office I pulled my phone from my jacket pocket and dialed her number, she answered on the second ring

" hello lover " she seemed to be in bed

"Just calling to say good night my dear" she chuckles and I am instantly smiling

    " I miss you so much, I should have lied about my arrival date and lock us inside for a day" I breathed out honestly.

   I knew I was in trouble from I laid eyes on her 7 years ago. I was 29 and doing a speech at the university for a political campaign. She was my announcer and her speech was flawless when I shook her hand I felt my cock jerked in my pants. After my speech I casually asked a few questions about her I found out she was a honor student who is of humble begins majoring in psychology at the university. Vivian Richards was/ is a gorgeous woman not just brilliant but feisty. I walked over to her and formally introduce myself we sparked up a conversation and after a while we exchanged contact on the basis of trying to get her a internship with a friend of mine who ran one of the best practice in our country.
A knock on my office door pulled me from my memories

" goodnight baby " I said and end the call,telling the my wife to come in .

   The door open and she walked in
" Are you coming to bed?" She sounded a bit off but I paid it little to no attention.
     What does she have to be sad about all she does is stay home and burn through my bank accounts.

I pinched the bridge of my nose
" yes Cynthia where else would I go?" I asked not in the mood for her nagging

   " you always seem to put everything before your marriage so it seem you have options " she said then left the room,

  " close the door!" I called after her which she slammed in return.
I would give my left balls to be face down in Vivian right now. I had some work to finish up so I tried to get has much of it out of the way.

   It was now minutes to two and I was seeing doubles all I wanted to do now was take a shower and sleep. Heading up stairs I checked in on my 4 year old seeing him fast a sleep brought a smile to my face this boy will break a lot of hearts I placed a kiss on his head and made my way to check in on his sister
"Daddy "she whispered I smiled and shake my head

  " hi princess" I cooed at her " why are you up ? " I asked quietly not wanting her mother to hear us

" I was waiting on you " she rubbed her sleepy eyes

  " ok baby..." I took her into my arms and rock her back to sleep
".....sleep now my love daddy is home" I swayed with her in my embrace my kid are one of the main reason I am still in this marriage....My heart belongs to them and Vivian.

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