"Little brother and baby sister." Jaime greeted the two, making Aurora playfully roll her eyes at what he called her.

"Beloved siblings." Tyrion greeted them in return.

"Is Bran going to die?" Myrcella asked softly as Sebastian lightly slapped Aurora's hand away from his plant, though she was still able to steal a piece of bacon from his plant.

"Apparently not." Tyrion answered her, making her sigh in relief.

"What do you mean?" Cersei asked her least favourite brother.

"Maester Luwin said Bran might live." Aurora answered as she remembered what Robb had told her, before taking a sip of her water. Aurora didn't miss the look Cersei and Jaime shared, though she couldn't quiet place what it meant.

"It's no mercy, letting a child linger in such pain." Cersei voiced.

"Only the Gods know for certain." Tyrion sighed as he placed his own glass of ale on the table. "All the rest of us can do is pray." Tyrion added as he ate some of the food the servants placed in front of him. "The charms of the North seem entirely lost on you."

"I still can't you've been stuck here all this time." Cersei commented as she looked over at her little sister, who was being forced out of a conversation with Jaime and Sebastian.

"It isn't as bad as you make it out to be." Aurora told her oldest sister with a small smile.

"What I can't believe is Tyrion going to the Wall." Sebastian joked making everyone but Cersei chuckle.

"It's ridiculous, even for you." Cersei added as she tried not to roll her eyes.

"Where's your sense of wonder?" Tyrion asked his siblings. "The greatest structure ever built, the intrepid men of the Night's Watch, the wintery abode of the White Walkers." Tyrion added making the children laugh.

"Tell me you're not thinking of taking the black." Jaime asked, though Aurora knew Tyrion would never do that.

"And go celibate?" Tyrion scoffed. "The whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock. No, I just want to stand on top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world."

"The children don't need to hear your filth." Cersei snapped at her younger brother, though her children didn't seem to mind as the laughed along with their uncle. "Come." She commanded her children before she left her siblings.

"Even if the boy lives, he'll be a cripple, a grotesque." Jaime went back to the conversation about Bran. "Give me a good clean death any day." He added before he took a sip of his drink.

"Speaking for the grotesques, I'd have to disagree." Tyrion spoke up. "Death is so final whereas life . . . ah, life is full of possibilities."

"Well, I hope Bran does wake up. He has too much of a kind soul to be taken from this earth so soon." Aurora spoke up from the other side of Jaime, taking a sip of her water as she ate some bread.

"I heard he was an excellent climber, so I wonder what he would say about his fall." Sebastian thought out loud, not having any ulterior motive behind his comment but that didn't stop the look his two older brothers shot him.

"I too am interested in what he has to say." Tyrion nodded along with his youngest brother.

"My dear siblings, there are times you make me wonder whose side you're on." Jaime voice had an unknown undertone to it that Aurora couldn't place.

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