Chapter 27 - Captured

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Nonetheless, for now, he couldn't tell for himself. He would be certain after his transformation, and yet he didn't want to undergo one. There was no way to come back to humanity after it, there would be only the constant lust for blood and turning his heart into stone.

The snowstorm seemed to have calmed down. So when Trevor leaned his head against the pole, he heard someone's sobbing. Although he had two options, he couldn't distinguish whose it was. However, the moment he saw Eleonora scanning the room, a confused look on her face, he knew.

Trevor took a deep breath. "What's the matter, William?" He tried to make his voice as mellow as possible.

William didn't answer at first. For a moment, it seemed that the sobbing became quieter, as if muffled. He couldn't bring himself to stop crying, though. "I'm so sorry, Trevor," he wept. "It's all my fault. I should have known better."

The brunet couldn't help sighing at it. "Oh, William," he began. "You couldn't have known. None of us thought that Griffin would still be dangerous even after we disarmed him. We're not fortune tellers. They had it all figured out. You—we just couldn't have known." He tried smiling.

"But," he protested and paused. "It's my job to protect you."

"No. It's not. I'm an adult. I've learned to take responsibility for my mistakes." He paused. "It's part of being an adult if you think about it."

William looked up and regretted that he couldn't wipe the tears off his cheeks. They must have been shiny in the moonlight. "So you're not angry with me?"

"I'm not. To be honest, it's hard to imagine a reality where I'd be angry with you." He smiled and blinked so that the tears that appeared in his eyes would be gone.

William smiled back. They both were gazing into each other's eyes.

Eleonora cleared her throat. "I'm also here, in case you forgot. So I can say that I'm not angry with you either. Neither of you. We all fucked up, or rather they were too predictive. They were a couple of steps ahead of us. And we couldn't have helped it."

"I wish we could have," William commented.

"Yeah, me too," Eleonora agreed.

They all fell silent yet again.

The next morning, the door fell open, the four people emerging from behind it as the sun shone inside. Jackson was conspicuous as only he had a toolbox put under his arm. All the vampires were expressionless. If they wore black and white suits, they would be indistinguishable from killers for rent.

Miranda stopped in front of Trevor and looked down at him. "Big day, huh?"

The brunet didn't answer, nor did he look at her.

"Don't be so quiet. The best part is about to begin," she announced. "You're going to experience what it's like to be one of us. There's nothing to be miserable about."

"There is," William began. "You're going to fuck up his life."

"Oh, I don't agree with you." She shook her head. "I'm going to save his life. From pain, from death, from you. Isn't it true that everybody you've taken care of died?"

A moment later, a sneer appeared on her face. "You know what to do, Jackson."

Jackson squatted down beside Trevor and laid the toolbox on the concrete floor. He prised the latches and pulled the box top open. Inside were three transparent syringes containing blood-like liquid. He then took one of them in his hand, tucking it between his fingers, before raising the syringe to the brunet.

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