Chapter 1

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Eighteen-year-old Princess Sofia of Enchancia was really happy because she was recently the maid of honor in her stepsister Amber's royal wedding to Prince Axel of Albuquerque, who had been crowned king. Axel was her friend Prince Hugo's older brother. Sofia and Hugo were veryhappy for Amber and Axel. But now that Amber and Axel were king and queen of Albuquerque, Hugo was going to be the duke and run the capital—without the company of a duchess. But he wasn't going to be alone any alonger because there was only one princess he was in lovewith and had his eyes on—and she was Sofia. Sofia's 19th birthday had arrived,and there was going to be a surprise party for her. There was going to be an evenbiggersurprise for her than the party. Sofia's mother Queen Miranda and stepfather King Roland IIhad agreed to let Hugo ask Sofia for her hand in marriage. Roland and Miranda were really happy that Sofia was getting engaged, but Amber and her twin brother James weren't happy about the proposal—especially since her fiancé was going to be Hugo, and she was in lovewith him. It was almost time for Sofia's birthday party, and Miranda was worried about what Sofia would say to Hugo's wedding proposal. "Relax, Miranda," said Roland. "You know how much Sofia loves Prince Hugo, and I'm sure she'll say yes when he proposes to her. It'll be a magical moment for them." "But, Daddy, Sofia can't say yes to Hugo's proposal," said Amber. "Amber, why are you against Hugo when you're married to his older brother?" Miranda asked. "Mom, it's just that she belongs here in Enchancia," said James. "Amber, James, if Sofia really loves Hugo, then, she'll have to say yes," said Roland. "He needs a duchess to loveand to help keep him company while he runs the capital in Albuquerque, and Sofia is the only princess he's in lovewith." "We know it's going to be hard when Sofia leaves Enchancia, but let's be happy for her when Hugo proposes," added Miranda. It was time for Sofia's birthday party. Sofia was wearing a beautiful purple dress, and Amber came in to see her. "Amber! How are you and Axel?" asked Sofia. "We're doing great,Sofia," said Amber. "There's a big surprise waiting for you in the ballroom." Amber escortedher sister to the ballroom doors. "Are you ready?" she asked. "I'm ready," said Sofia. "Close your eyes," said Amber. Sofia closed her eyes, and Amber opened the doors and took her hands and carefully escortedher into the ballroom. Everybody was quiet when they saw the birthday princess. Then Amber said, "Okay, you can open your eyes now." When Sofia opened her eyes, everybody shouted, "Surprise!" Sofia was surprised. "Happy birthday, Sofia," said James. "Thank you," said Sofia. Miranda, Roland, and Hugo each hugged Sofia—and it was time for her big surprise. "Come on, sweetie," aid Miranda. "It's time for your big surprise." "There's more?" Sofia asked. She was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Amber and James watched as they parents and Hugo escortedSofia to a chair. Hugo told Sofia about her true feelings for her, and she told him about her own feelings for him. Amber and James were almost shocked to hear about this. Roland, Miranda, and the royal family from Albuquerque were happy to hear this. It was time for Sofia and Hugo's magical moment. Hugo knelt on his knee and took out a ring box. Inside was a 3-stone diamond ring. He took Sofia's hand and slipped the ring on her finger. Gazing into the princess's blue eyes, he asked, "Princess Sofia, would you please do me the honor of sharing my life and being my duchess and my bride?" Sofia was verysurprised. Just as Amber and James were expecting Sofia to say no, Sofia just happily screamed, and she jumped on Hugo and knocked him down. Everybody knew what that meant. "That's a yes!" Roland exclaimed. Everybody roared in applause. "Congratulations!" the guests exclaimed. It was perfectly official—Sofia and Hugo were engaged. Now Hugo won't be a lonely duke in the capital, and Sofia was going to be his beautiful duchess. Everybody was really happy for the engaged prince and princess—except for her brother and sister.

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