"So Chiyo~" Asami said, her voice could not be more annoying

"What?" I ask, with food in my mouth.

"Could you pretty please sit like a lady?~" She said gesturing towards the fact I was sitting on the table, man spreading.

"No" I said, plainly

"Well, if you wanna sit with us, then you must sit correctly~" She huffed

"Oh, really. That's great, bye-" Before I could leave, I was yanked back by her.

"Wait, nevermind." She said forcing me to sit down.

"Hey there my name is Annaisha" A girl with pink ends told me, they looked pretty good on her, too bad she was with this sad group of girls.

"Okay?" I say, eating my food, literally wanted to leave.

"And my name is Erity" A girl with blonde hair and giant pink earrings said, I could spot some lipstick on her teeth.

"Your tacky lipstick is on your teeth" I say, trying not to laugh.

She instantly shuts her mouth and runs off, to were I presume to bathroom was. Unfortunately for me another girl comes up to me.

"And my name is Ine" She says, I can spot her cakey makeup before I even looked at her.

"Okay, not thats important to me, but okay" I just wanna eat my food.

"Hey, you should respect your friends, its rude other wise" Ine says huffing, in that moment lipstick teeth comes back over.

"Look, I couldn't care less who you were, I'm good with being friends with the high school hoes" I say, grabbing my bag and standing up to leave.

"Hey~"Asami said, grabbing my bag and yanking me back, again.

I swear to god Imma beat this bitch up.

"How dare you call us high school hoes! My father is the mayor of this town, he can kick you out!" Asami says. (Does japan have majors???)

 I couldn't hold it back any more, I let out a huge laugh.

"Did you serious just brag about your parents power? Bro, thats the saddest shit I've ever heard!" I laugh and point to her

"Hey dont-" I cut Asami off again.

"But, come one man, instead of telling me about how your gonna 'ruin' my life or some sappy shit like that, you brag about your fathers power! I can imagine you doing this to some kid who pissed you off and I can imagine them packing there things in a suitcase saying 'i don't wanna go' or something like that because your father kicked a 6 year old kick out if this town!" I laugh and fall on the ground, unable to breath. "Your a real bitch aren't you"

"Shut up, you... you.. FAT PIG!" She yells, feeling proud of the comment she said, the room was quiet now, all eyes on us.

"Is... is that really the best thing you came come up with?" I ask, beginning to laugh again. "You really are stupid aren't you-"


This bitch had the audacity to throw water on me.

I blink a few times before looking at her dead in the eyes. I let out a single laugh and lunged towards her, I stopped before I touch her, but she threw a punch up to my face.

"Wow and you punch like a bitch too" I say, head butting her.

She falls to the ground crying and whining.

"And a crybaby too..." I add. "Asami, your name means 'morning beauty' doesn't it? Well, you can morning beauty my ass"

I can hear some people laugh. I am so going to the principles office, how will my dad react?


Well lets just say he took it pretty well.

"Sir, your daughter head butted another student on her first day, this isn't something you should be fist bumping about" The principles said as me and my father dropped our hands. "Yes, I understand what happened and I will let you off on a warning, but please if you really want to fight, go to a random parking lot or something"

Under the table my dad and I fist bumped again.

I can say, today was a great day. But it was coming to and end and I would have to go into the volleyball gym to wait for practice to end. I entered the gym and within the 0.0000000001 seconds I stepped inside, I was stared at and yelled to.

"HEY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!" A reasonably tall dude with a buzz cut asked.

"HEY? ARE YOU NEW HERE?" A shorter kid with blonde at the front of his hair said.

"Are you like wing manning each other or?" I asked, closing the door behind me.

"Hey Chiyo!" My father waved to me with a smile

"Hey Dad" I called back.

"DAD?!" The entire gym echoed and made me deaf by the noise of the boys.

"That's your dad?" A scary looking dude, with black-blue hair asked.

"Coach Ukai is your father?!" A dude with silver hair and a beauty mark near his eye said.

"Hey, your that girl from the cafeteria who hit Asami in the head!" A small ginger said

"Whats your number?"

"So you are new here"

"How long have you been here?"

"Do you play volleyball?"

I was bombed with questions. I looked to my dad for help, but he laugh and whistled why looking away. Suddenly, a sweet voice behind me spoke. I turned to see an angel. She had short black hair and literally looked like a goddess. I think turned lesbian for a second.

"KIYOKO!" The two wingmans yelled as they saw her.

"Sorry about them, my name is Kiyoko, nice to met you" She smiled at me.

"Hi I'm Chiyo Ukai, nice to met you too" I smile, she seemed like someone who was nice enough.

"Ukai? As in coach's daughter?" She asked and I nodded. "Well, welcome to Karasuno High"

"Thanks" I smile

"So are you just going to ignore me or?" My dad came up behind me.

"Oh hey dad, is it cool if I just sit out here until practice finishes?" I ask

"Sure, although you'll have to help a little bit" My dad says as he makes a path from the high schoolers.

"Thats cool" I say, as I sit down next to a teacher with glasses.

"I understand that you are Ukai's kid" He says, smiling. "He couldn't stop speaking about how you were going to come to live with him, it got pretty annoying"

"Well, that's my dad for ya" I say, as I look over and see my dad yell at the volleyball team for bombing me with question. "That... is also my dad"

"He scares me sometimes" The teacher said. "I'm Takeda by the way"

"I'm Chiyo, but I figure you know that" I reply.

I spent most of the time on my phone listening to music, I got tired of holding my ear phones in a special way so that they could work, and I took them out and watch the team practice. I notice Kiyoko next to me, looking as if she wanted to ask me something.

'hey, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but have you join a club yet? I'm looking for a new manger to take over when I leave, but I haven't found anyone yet" Kiyoko says.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, but already joined a club, sorry" I say, I didn't lie. I had joined the dance group, I was surprised that Asumi and her friends weren't there.

"Oh, thats okay." Kiyoko said, brushing it off. Her eyes flicked upwards to something above me, I look up to see that tall blonde again.

"Your sitting on my shirt"

The Salty Boy | Tsukishima x OC | Haikyuu | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now