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December 5th

"he's definitely gonna try something"

"i know! that's why i'm fucking scared. maybe i should just say my mom died or something so i could take a day off- no, a whole week"

Johnny was driving his best friend to work. As you can tell, Doyoung was nervous. He was nervous because he knew he had to face Taeyong.

"what if he like kisses me again or something? i can't just let him fuck me like last time" Doyoung said and the older glanced at him

"if he even tries to touch you, you push him away. it's that simple!"

Doyoung sighed "it's not! you know i suck at saying no to people, especially if they're hot and trying to fuck me"

"calm down, Doyoung" Johnny said and placed his hand on the younger's knee "you can't let him hurt you again. you can do this, okay?"

"okay. yeah. i can do this"

A few minutes later they arrived in front of the small cafe and Doyoung left the car after thanking the older. He felt scared as he walked inside but a part of him was excited.

No one seemed to be there so Doyoung just went to the backroom. However, when he opened the door, he froze. Taeyong was standing there, shirtless, looking hot as hell as he was going through his bag. He heard the younger and turned his head to the side to look at him.

"hi, good morning" Doyoung said quietly and Taeyong shot him a small smile

"good morning, Bunny"

After that Taeyong just continued to look for something from his bag, probably a shirt. Doyoung gulped and closed the door behind him. He didn't take long to change his shoes and put on an apron before rushing out of the room.

A few minutes later Taeyong came out too, this time fully dressed and wearing his apron.

"oh, i thought we already had customers since you were in such a hurry" Taeyong said as he leaned against the counter, watching Doyoung who was wiping it

The younger just nodded and kept his eyes on the counter, wiping a spot more aggressively. Taeyong snickered and just kept staring at the younger. This time Doyoung looked cute and soft to him.

His hair was a bit messy and he was wearing a light blue sweater with a pair fo black loose jeans. His concentration face was adorable, eyebrows slightly furrowed and bottom lip pouting.

"don't you have anything else to do than stare at me?" Doyoung snapped suddenly and Taeyong stood straight

"sorry, i zoned out" he mumbled "you look cute today, by the way"

Doyoung felt his cheeks warm up slightly "thanks"

Taeyong just chuckled and then took a cleaning cloth and wet it before going to wipe the tables.

Doyoung clenched his jaw. He was getting too soft. He wasn't supposed to show Taeyong how flustered the older made him so easily. He had to keep pretending he wasn't interested at all.

"are you going out to eat?" Taeyong asked as Doyoung was putting on his jacket

It was lunchtime again. They were in the backroom, Taeyong eating his salad and Doyoung getting ready to go out.

"if you couldn't tell already, yes"

"i can come with you unless you wanna eat alone?" Taeyong said but it sounded more like a question

Doyoung smiled "no thanks. i'm going with Jungwoo"

"oh.. Jungwoo. is he nice?"

"of course not, he's a total douchebag. obviously, Taeyong, he's really nice. why else would i go out with him for the second time?"

Taeyong shrugged "free lunch?"

"ha, i'm not like that. anyways, i need to go now or i'll be late. see ya"

"bye" Taeyong said quietly as Doyoung rushed out

Doyoung got outside on the street and sighed. He felt sort of bad for making the older jealous on purpose. But at least his plan was working. And this time he wasn't even lying.

He was actually going out with Jungwoo. But their relationship wasn't quite what Doyoung had told Taeyong.

Jungwoo isn't someone who he met on tinder or took dance classes together. The two men have known each other for years. They met when Doyoung's family moved to a new city. The boy was just nine at the time and Jungwoo was his first friend he got there. They became inseparable for a long time but as time passed they both had to move, it's not like they could live with their parents their whole lives.

Back to the story.

Doyoung reached a nice looking chinese restaurant where they had planned to meet up at. He stepped inside and looked around, trying to find Jungwoo.

Suddenly a tall, extremely good looking orange haired male stepped in front of him. Jungwoo was smiling widely and Doyoung didn't even recognize the man at first. He clearly had gone through puberty which had changed him a lot.

"wow, hey" Doyoung said and chuckled as they shared a quick hug

"hi, Doyoung. let's go sit there"

Jungwoo led him to sit at a table that was planted next to a big window. They both just smiled at each other for a while before the younger spoke.

"you've changed a lot, i didn't even recognize you at first"

Doyoung scoffed "says you! since when were you so tall and mature-looking?"

"eh, maybes you've just shortened" Jungwoo said and giggled "anyways, it's really nice to see you. how has life been?"

They chatted about life and basic stuff for some time before realizing they were here to eat and not just talk. After ordering some food, they went back to sit down.

"wait, did you know i'm moving here soon?" Jungwoo asked and Doyoung raised his eyebrows

"what? really? that's amazing!"

The younger grinned "yeah, actually i-"

Jungwoo was cut off when Doyoung's phone rang. The older excused himself and went into a bathroom to answer the call. It was Taeyong.

"what's up?" Doyoung asked after the call connected

"where are you?"

"i-i'm at a restaurant with Jungwoo, i already told you i'm going out to eat, right?"

Taeyong sighed loudly "your lunch break ends in ten minutes"

"what?" Doyoung asked and checked the time "since when was it so short? i thought i still have like half an hour"

"since i said so. maybe you shouldn't go on some stupid dates during work hours since your break is so short"

"huh? why would you change it?"

"no reason. just come back already, we have some work to do"

- wow i'm updating so fast look guys
anyways i might just make this book a huge mess
should i?

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