"What the fuck" I whisper to myself.

I turn around to the front of the house to see a hot tub in the middle of the yard.

"Shit" I mutter seeing Kiara pope and JJ in the hot tub in a big hug.

"Winnie thank god!" Pope said relieved to see me.

"W-what happend" I say with a broken voice

"You and JJ should talk" Kiara said as the two left the hot tub and into the house.

"Winnie Baby..." JJ said with tears in his eyes standing in the middle of the hot tub

"What the hell happend"

"I- well I got a hot tub" he said with a fake smile.

I stood by the hot tub looking at him with tears running down my face. I didn't even know what to say

"Look, Winnie. I'm so sorry" he cried.

I looked at him with my mouth open trying to find the right words

"Say something please"

I ran up to the hot tub and stepped in. I felt his gaze follow me as I did. I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could, he did the same with me. Wrapping his arms around my waste as I tight as he ever could.

"I'm really fucked up" He cried into my shoulder.

"Shh Shh it's okay" I whispered to him


I sat on the edge of the dock with my feet dangling just above the water smoking a blunt. He doesn't love me I kept thinking of course he loves me what the hell am I thinking dipshit i was to busy in my thoughts that I didn't even hear JJ walking down the ramp to where I was sitting.

"Hey" he says softly. I leave my thoughts as I turn around to see him awkwardly leaning on the railing.

"Hey" I say turning back around and inhaling the drug

"I- um," JJ started as he sat down next to me, only a few inches away "I wanted to apologize"

"For the fucked up things to said?" I asked letting out a chuckle as smoke came out of my nose and my mouth.

"Y-yeah. I really didn't mean what I said about not loving you and only sticking around for this long because you are lonely" he said. I slowly nod as I stared into the water.

"I love you so much that I can't even handle it" he said lightly scoffing and smiling. I turn my head and lightly grin as a tear runs down my face.

"I love you too" I whisper not trusting my voice to say it louder.

"Winnie baby" JJ said as he scooted up behind me wrapping his arms around me from the back as I sat in between his legs, his chest touching my back. He brought his face to the crook of my neck and planted a soft kiss on my neck. I let out a small sob, slowly sinking into the hug. Jesus I love him I thought to myself.

"Do you forgive me?" He says as he hugs my waste.

"Of course I forgive you JJ maybank" I laughed. I threw the blunt into the water and sighed. I turn my head and lean into to JJ to connect our lips. He immediately kissed me back cupping the side of my face with his hand and dropping the other to my thigh.

"Your so cute" he said into the kiss making me smirk.

"We should go inside" I say pulling away from the kiss and starting to play with his rings.



I woke up and immediately noticed that JJ wasn't in bed with me. Which made me sad. But I got out of bed and made my way outside

Winifred Routledge X JJ maybank Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin