CH3 - The Ruin of Rivendell's Peace

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Arryin swung her sword hard.

Seconds later, a distorted and contorted head of an orc landed at her feet.

"Legolas!" she called out. "DUCK!"

He instantly did as she commanded. With one quick motion, Arryin kicked the orc's severed skull and it flung over the Prince's head at a fast speed. It then smacked straight into another creature, knocking him down on the ground. Legolas, of course, took that as an opportunity. He whipped out a long knife and forcefully dove it into the beast's chest, killing it instantly.

However, Arryin didn't wait around to watch the kill, for more orcs were rushing her way. She turned and raised her foot to harshly kick back the first beast. It instantly tumbled backwards, landing on top of its two friends in a grumbling pile. Without wasting a second, Arryin drove her sword into the top one's stomach. Black, oozing blood immediately splashed up upon her face, neck, and chest. However, she did not stop there. She pushed the blade down harder, diggin the weapon through the creature below it. This orc cried out in gurgling pain—a loud, underwater shrieking sound it was. But still, she continued. With more force, she buried it further, into the third beast; and, as she did so, the hilt thudded against the chest of the first one. She could go no further.

So, with that, Arryin yanked the weapon from the orc sandwich and formed a fireball in her hand. She then let the crackling orb drop onto the top corpse. All three instantly lit—the bottom two still trying to cling onto the embers of life, but she cared not.

Arryin then stalked towards Legolas, who was wiping the blood from his knife upon his thigh. "Really Arry? That's a pretty gruesome kill."

She shrugged. "They are pretty gruesome creatures."

Legolas sighed, but before he could say anything, his attention was stolen. The pile of burning orcs suddenly flared up. The flames grew high and roared loudly as if they were a pack of lions screaming for war. A rush of heat breezed forward too, crackling within the air near them.

"ARRY!" Legolas cried out in alarm.

The Ranger whipped her head around and, for a moment, Legolas could have sworn he saw panic cross her features; but, she jumped forward nonetheless and moved towards the burning corpses. As she entered into the vast flames, her eyes began to glow the brilliant white that was associated with the Khalessi of the Nûr -o Gilgalad (Queen of the People of Starlight). Arryin was quick to begin expertly manipulating the movements of her arms and the flames followed suit, like they were dancing with her commands. And, after only a moment, the fire seemed to dwindle to a normal pace, the extra heat dissipating.

She then turned back to Legolas, the white light fading as she did so. However, his expression was encased in surprise and shock.

"Arryin, what just happened?" he breathed out, his nerves evident.

She swallowed and shrugged in an attempt to play it off. "Just a bit of a flare up. It happens."

Legolas nodded slowly before dropping the topic and speaking again. "Come on, Rivendell is just beyond that pass."

The two elves quickly made their way through the high rocks and worn down dirt; and it wasn't long until their feet slammed upon the pretty stone flooring of the bridge to Imaldris. Legolas was walking slightly ahead of the Ranger, for she had turned to take in the sight around her given that she had never entered Rivendell before. Therefore, Legolas was the one who made first contact with Lindir at the pavilion.

The dark-haired official smiled warmly at him and extended his arm in a gesture of greeting. "Mellon Nin (my friend), it is good to see you in our halls once again! It has been many years."

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