CH2 - This Is Next Time, Fucker!

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Four days had passed since Arryin and Legolas left the Woodland Realm. They had done what Thranduil requested, avoid the High Pass; and, currently, they were at the edge of the grey mountains.

A bad storm was brewing. Hell, it already started. The harsh winds whipped around their forms, blowing the mixture of freezing rain, snow, and ice upon their skin. They, of course, were cloaked in resistant fabric but it could only do so much.

"Legolas!" Arryin called out over the wind. "There's an inn up ahead. We can't keep pushing through this storm."

The Prince glanced at her and yelled back. "How do you know?! I can't see far in this blasted weather."

"I've been here before. It's called the Black Bear Inn, frequented by bounty hunters!"

Legolas frowned.

"Come on, Princeling! You know we don't have a choice."

He sighed in defeat for she was right. The weather was too rough to continue. So, they quickly made haste toward the location of the inn and it soon appeared in their vision.

As the Ranger yanked open the rusted door and the two bustled inside, they were immediately met with the sight of many burly, drunk men. All of which were of different sizes and ethnicities, decorated in different clothing and weapons. But it was clear what they were—bounty hunters.

Legolas and Arryin pulled off their wet cloaks and began to weave their way through the sea of rowdy men.

"Hmm," Arryin mumbled. "There must be a pretty big bounty out."

Legolas frowned at her words and she noticed his confusion, so she further explained. "Usually there's not this many. However, a whole lot of 'em in one place? Someone's price is high."

The Woodland Prince nodded curtly as he continued to follow her towards the bar.

However, they did not get far before a booming voice yelled out to them with a loud chuckle. "HAHA, NIYRRA!"

Instantly, Arryin whipped her head around, ready to draw a blade. But her sternness faded into a grin when she saw the hairy, heavyset man who called out her alias.

"Reidar!!" She responded with shock.

The man came bounding towards them, his drink sloshing in his cup. However, he stopped right in-front of her and slung an arm around her shoulders.

"Man, I knew it was you! I'd recognize ya pretty face anywhere!" Arryin laughed at his words and he continued. "It's been years! Where ye been?! Ya've missed some good hunts!"

The Ranger chuckled and shrugged. "I've been around."

He nodded in response, not questioning her words further, and took a big gulp of ale.

Arryin lightly patted his hand that hung around her form. "Imma get a drink. Good to see ya, Reidar!"

He bobbed his head up and down and released his loose hold on her. He then raised his own mug to his lips again and took another messy slurp from it. A loud burp followed that action and he stumbled away.

Legolas sent her a confused look, but the Ranger did not acknowledge it. Instead, she made her way to the bar, twisting through the sea of men. Legolas awkwardly followed her, like a shadow of confusion and alarm, for he felt entirely out of place.

The Ranger pulled herself onto a stool and Legolas did the same. She then tapped her first upon the counter. "Two ale's!" She called out.

The old barkeep turned at her voice. "Niyrra?!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

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